From editor or global species database
Type species Hartman (1957: 256) states O. cuvieri as Aricia sertulata was the first species attributed to Aricia Savigny, and that thus "the genotype of Orbinia can be only O. cuvieri". This is not correct. Aricia sertulata is for all time the type species of Orbinia by monotypy (Quatrefages placed only Aricia sertulata in his new genus Orbinia), regardless if a later worker synonymises it (here A. sertulata is in any case the senior name). Synonymy is subjective and can change, type species are permanently decided by circumstances.
It appears Quatrefages did not know Aricia was a junior homonym as he (quite wrongly) continued Aricia for other species. Pettibone (1957: 159) comments on the confusion and correctly states Quatrefages by present day practice should have done the opposite - place the other names under Orbinia and left A sertulata, which Savigny (wrongly) stated had small antennae, in Aricia. [details]