Cooper, G. Arthur. Brachiopoda from the Southern Indian Ocean (Recent).
Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, number 43, 93 pages, 30 figures, 14
plates, 1 table, 1981.—Specimens collected from 120 stations around and
between the subantarctic islands: Marion, Prince Edward, Crozet, Kerguelen,
Heard, Amsterdam, and St. Paul by the M/S Marion Dufresne with the support
of Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises, Paris, greatly increase our
knowledge of the brachiopoda of the Indian Ocean. Eighteen species are
recognized that include 16 genera, 2 of them new: Pemphixina and Xenobrochus;
11 new species: Basiliola arnaudi; Eucalathis magna, E. costellata, E. rotundata,
Xenobrochus australis, X. anomalus; Dallithyris? dubia; Dyscolia? radiata, Platidia
marionensis; Ecnomiosa inexpectata, and Thecidellina minuta. Seven hitherto described
species are recorded: Pelagodiscus atlanticus (King); Pemphixina pyxidata
(Davidson); Liothyrella moseleyi (Davidson); Megerlina davidsoni (Velain); Megerlia
gigantea (Deshayes); Aerothyris kerguelenensis (Davidson), and A. aff. A. macquariensis
(Thomson). Six genera, which could not be identified specifically, were
also taken: Crania, Basiliola, Tegulorhynchia, Eucalathis, Liothyrella, and Aerothyris.
Genera recognized in the Indian Ocean for the first time are: Tegulorhynchia,
Basiliola, and Ecnomiosa, the last hitherto known only from the Gulf of Mexico
and Caribbean Sea.