Easton, E. G. (1983). A guide to the valid names of Lumbricidae (Oligochaeta). [Book chapter]. Chapter 41, p.475-487 In Satchell, J. E. (editor) "Earthworm ecology from Darwin to Vermiculture, 495 pp, Chapman and Hall, London/New York.
Easton, E. G.
A guide to the valid names of Lumbricidae (Oligochaeta)
[Book chapter]
Chapter 41, p.475-487 In Satchell, J. E. (editor) "Earthworm ecology from Darwin to Vermiculture, 495 pp, Chapman and Hall, London/New York
Table 41.3 "Changes in taxonomy and nomenclature" follows the references
Provisional list of Lumbricidae valid names up to December, 1981
Fauna and Flora, Faunistic inventories, Checklists, Catalogues