Larrain, A. P. (1985). Brachysternaster, new genus, and Brachysternaster chesheri, new species of Antarctic echinoid (Spatangoida, Schizasteridae). Polar Biol. 4: 121-124.
Larrain, A. P.
Brachysternaster, new genus, and Brachysternaster chesheri, new species of Antarctic echinoid (Spatangoida, Schizasteridae).
Polar Biol
4: 121-124
The new schizasterid genus Brachysternaster has several advanced features including brooding marsupia and a previously unknown type of plastron, herein named brachysternous. The new species is large, ovoid, entirely lacks fascioles and has well differentiated primary spines. Brachysternaster is related to the schizasterid genus Amphipneustes Koehler.