The phylum Nemertea is subdivided into two classes: Arhynchocoela cl. n. (proboscis and rhynchocoel are absent) and Rhynchocoela Schultze, 1851 ( proboscis and rhynchocoel are present). The class Arhynchocoela includes the order Arhynchonemertea ord. n. with the family Arhynchonemertidae fam. n. and the only species Arhynchonemertes axi Riser, 1988. The class Rhynchocoela includes two subclasses, Anopla and Enopla (the latter includes orders Polystilifera, Monostilifera and Bdellonemertea). The subclass Anopla includes 3 orders: Archinemertea (family Cephalotrichidae), Palaeonemertea with the suborders Tubulaniformes subord. n. (Tubulanidae, Callineridae and Carinomellidae), Hubrechtiiformes subord. n. ( Hubrechtiidae), Carinomiformes subord. n. (Carinomidae) and Heteronemertea (Valenciniidae, Lineidae, Poliopsiidae, Pussylineidae, Gorgonorhynchidae and Panorhynchidae). Six new subfamilies (Oxypolellinae, Zygeupoliinae, Paralineinae, Riseriinae, Aetheorhynchinae and Chilineinae) and three new genera (Protubulanus, Nipponomicrura and Heteronemertes) are established.