A cladistic analysis was performed on 21 previously described and putative new genera comprising all hoplonemerteans having both monostilifery and interwoven rhynchocoel musculature. Traditional taxonomic methods have placed these genera into two existing families and one putative new family, but there has been active debate as to relationships within and between these groups. Sixty-one characters were employed. The intent of this study was to further elucidate relationships within and between these groups but without addressing their possible positions in the higher taxonomic scheme. The results suggest that the family Plectonemertidae (sensu Moore and Gibson, 1988) and the family Cratenemertidae are paraphyletic as is a new Antarctic form which appears to constitute a monotypic family. The results further suggest that Plectonemertes represents a monotypic family, the five 'Group 2' terrestrial genera (Acteonemertes, Argonemertes, Antiponemertes, Leptonemertes and Katechonemertes) form a distinct family, and the freshwater genera Campbellonemertes and Potamonemertes represent either a single distinct family or two monotypic families. The family Cratenemertidae is seen as containing three subfamilies. The analysis also indicates that these groups, in which 10 of the 21 genera are highly habitat-adapted, exhibit no greater homoplasy than is evident in the animal and plant kingdoms generally. Formal designation and naming of the new family group entities suggested here must await publication of original descriptions or redescriptions of the underlying species and genera.