new taxa: Pilalla exigua
gen. et sp. nov., Hippocrepinella remanei sp. nov. with some new forms, H. virgulata sp. nov., H.
ampullacea sp. nov., Webbinella earlandi sp. nov., Tholosina marginiforata sp. nov., T. centro-
forata sp. nov., T. bulla appressa f. nov., Psamella frankei gen. et sp. nov. with two new forms,
Amphifenestrella wiesneri gen. et sp. nov., Vanhoeffenella gaussi imperfecta
forma nov., five new
forms of Armorella sphaerica, Saccodendron heronalleni gen. et sp. nov. with two new forms,
three new forms of Psammosphaera fusca Schulze, 1875b, Leptodermella nom. nov., Lepto-
dermella turbanica sp. nov., Proteonina longicollis minor f. nov., Rhizammina algaeformis nuda
f. nov.