Samples collected during the BIOICE project off Iceland yielded three species of marine annelids belonging to the family Fauveliopsidae: Fauveliopsis olgae Hartmann-Schröder, 1983, Laubieriopsis brevis (Hartman, 1967) and Laubieriopsis cabiochi (Amoureux, 1982). Taxonomic remarks and data on geographical and bathymetric distribution are presented and several body characters of taxonomic value were reviewed with Scanning Electron Microscope. Fauveliopsis olgae and L. brevis are reported for the first time in the area. Specimens of L. cabiochi showed some morphological variability compared to previous descriptions of the species. The three species had a similar geographic distribution along the south side of the GIF ridge, from NW to SE Iceland; F. olgae and L. brevis were, however, found in a wider range of depths and values of bottom temperature than L. cabiochi.