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Kai George
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
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Taxa (140)
Algensiella boitanii
Cottarelli & Baldari, 1987
(basis of record)
Alteutha nana
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Alteutha signata
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Ambunguipes vanhoeffeni
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Amenophia ovalis
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Amenophia tenuicornis
Brady, 1910
accepted as
Rhynchothalestris tenuicornis
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Amphiascoides bulbiseta
Pallares, 1975
(basis of record)
Amphiascus glacialis
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Amphiascus mucronatus
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Ancorabolus ilvae
George, 2001
(basis of record)
Antarcticobradya tenuis
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Antiboreodiosaccus crassus
(Giesbrecht, 1902)
(basis of record)
Archilaophonte maxima
Willen, 1995
(basis of record)
Arenopontia spicata
Mielke, 1985
accepted as
Neoleptastacus spicatus
(Mielke, 1985)
(basis of record)
Pallares, 1979
(basis of record)
Austrocletodes tricomatosum
Pallares, 1979
(basis of record)
Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 2000
(basis of record)
Breviconia australis
(George, 1998)
(basis of record)
Breviconia echinata
(Brady, 1918)
(basis of record)
Bulbamphiascus cibimae
Pallares, 1982
accepted as
Pallarica cibimae
(Pallares, 1982)
(basis of record)
Cornylaophonte pleisteri
Willen, 1996
(basis of record)
Dactylopusia crassicornis
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Dactylopusia pectenis
(Pallares, 1975)
(basis of record)
Dactylopusia spinipes
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Dactylopusiidae Lang, 1936
(basis of record)
Conroy-Dalton, 2003
(basis of record)
Dendropsyllus antarcticus
(George & Schminke, 1998)
(basis of record)
Dendropsyllus magellanicus
(George & Schminke, 1998)
(basis of record)
Diarthrodes cystoecus
Fahrenbach, 1954
(basis of record)
Diarthrodes lilacinus
Pallares, 1977
(basis of record)
Diarthrodes pusillus
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Diarthrodes tumidus
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Diosaccus sordidus
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Drescheriella glacialis
Dahms & Dieckmann, 1987
(basis of record)
Drescheriella racovitzai
(Giesbrecht, 1902)
(basis of record)
Ectinosoma gracilicorne
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Ectinosoma scotti
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Enhydrosoma littorale
Wells, 1967
(basis of record)
Enhydrosomella kuehnemanni
Pallares, 1968
(basis of record)
Eupelte villosa
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Eurycletodes (Oligocletodes) monardi
Smirnov, 1946
(basis of record)
Fultonia sarsi
(Smirnov, 1946)
(basis of record)
George & Martínez Arbizu, 2005
(basis of record)
Gideonia noncavernicola
George & Martínez Arbizu, 2005
(basis of record)
Haloschizopera abyssi
Becker, 1974
(basis of record)
Harpacticus furcatus
Lang, 1936
represented as
Harpacticus furcatus furcatus
Lang, 1936
(additional source)
Harpacticus furcatus patagonicus
Pallares, 1973
(additional source)
Harpacticus furcifer
Giesbrecht, 1902
(basis of record)
Harpacticus pulvinatus
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Harpacticus robustus
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Heterolaophonte campbelliensis
(Lang, 1934)
(basis of record)
Heterolaophonte tenuisoina
(Lang, 1934)
accepted as
Heterolaophonte tenuispina
(Lang, 1934)
(basis of record)
Idomene australis
Brady, 1910
accepted as
Xouthous australis
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Idomene cookensi
Pallares, 1975
accepted as
Xouthous cookensis
(Pallares, 1975)
(basis of record)
Idomene pusilla
Brady, 1910
accepted as
Xouthous pusillus
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Idomene simulans
(Brady, 1910)
accepted as
Xouthous simulans
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Idyanthe tenella
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Idyella australis
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Idyella tenuis
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
George & Schminke, 2003
(basis of record)
Isthmiocaris longitelson
George & Schminke, 2003
(basis of record)
Kliopsyllus andeep
Veit-Köhler, 2004
accepted as
Emertonia andeep
(Veit-Köhler, 2004)
(basis of record)
Laophonte glacialis
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Laophonte gracilipes
Brady, 1910
accepted as
Paralaophonte gracilipes
(Brady, 1910)
accepted as
Paralaophonte (Paralaophonte) gracilipes
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Laophonte hirsutus
Pallares, 1979
(basis of record)
Laophonte varians
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
George, 2002
(basis of record)
Laophontisochra maryamae
George, 2002
(basis of record)
Laophontodes antarcticus
Brady, 1918
(basis of record)
Laophontodes latissimus
Brady, 1918
accepted as
Calypsophontodes latissima
(Brady, 1918)
(basis of record)
Laophontodes macclintocki
Schizas & Shirley, 1994
(basis of record)
Laophontodes macropodia
Gee & Fleeger, 1986
accepted as
Calypsophontodes macropodia
(Gee & Fleeger, 1986)
(basis of record)
Laophontodes propinquus
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Laophontodes spongiosus
Schizas & Shirley, 1994
(basis of record)
Laophontodes whitsoni
Scott T., 1912
(basis of record)
Mesochra flava
Lang, 1933
(basis of record)
Mesochra nana
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
George, 1997
(basis of record)
Mielkiella spinulosa
George, 1997
(basis of record)
Nitocra gracilimana
Giesbrecht, 1902
accepted as
Ameira gracilimana
(Giesbrecht, 1902)
(basis of record)
Notopontia stephanieae
Bodiou, 1977
(basis of record)
Paradactylopodia simillima
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Paralaophonte gracilipes
(Brady, 1910)
accepted as
Paralaophonte (Paralaophonte) gracilipes
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Paralaophonte meinerti
(Brady, 1899)
accepted as
Paralaophonte (Paralaophonte) meinerti
(Brady, 1899)
(basis of record)
Paramphiascella austroatlantica
Pallares, 1982
(basis of record)
Parastenhelia costata
Pallares, 1982
accepted as
Microthalestris costata
(Pallares, 1982)
(basis of record)
Parastenhelia gracilis
Brady, 1910
accepted as
Microthalestris gracilis
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Parastenhelia minuta
Pallares, 1982
accepted as
Microthalestris minuta
(Pallares, 1982)
(basis of record)
Parastenhelia tenuis
Brady, 1910
accepted as
Antarcticobradya tenuis
(Brady, 1910)
(basis of record)
Parathalestris ganio
Brehm, 1938
(basis of record)
Parathalestris patagonica
Pallares, 1975
(basis of record)
Paronychocamptus connexus
Pallares, 1979
accepted as
Heteronychocamptus connexus
(Pallares, 1979)
(basis of record)
Perissocope typicus
Brady, 1910
(basis of record)
Phycolaophonte insularis
Pallares, 1975
accepted as
Coullia insularis
(Pallares, 1975)
(basis of record)
Phyllopodopsyllus mossmani chiloensis
Mielke, 1992
(basis of record)
Porcellidium affine
Quidor, 1906
(basis of record)
Porcellidium rubrum
Pallares, 1966
(basis of record)
Proameira thetiensis
Pallares, 1982
(basis of record)
Pseudameira signyensis
Gee & Fleeger, 1986
(basis of record)
Pseudoameiropsis argentinus
Pallares, 1982
(basis of record)
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