Angola Basin for
Halacarus longior Bartsch, 1981
Antarctica for
Agaue agauoides (Lohmann, 1907)
Antarctica for
Agaue obscura Bartsch, 1987
Antarctica for
Agaue parva (Chilton, 1883)
Antarctica for
Agaue tenuirostris (Lohmann, 1907)
Antarctica for
Agaue uncinata Bartsch, 1990
Antarctica for
Agaue villosa (Lohmann, 1907)
Antarctica for
Agauopsis antarctica (Lohmann, 1907)
Antarctica for
Agauopsis glacialis Bartsch, 1993
Antarctica for
Agauopsis mccaini Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Agauopsis racki Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Bradyagaue aspidionis Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Bradyagaue crassa Bartsch, 1990
Antarctica for
Bradyagaue drygalskii (Lohmann, 1907)
Antarctica for
Copidognathus acanthophorus Viets, 1950
Antarctica for
Copidognathus arnaudi Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Copidognathus confusus Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Copidognathus floridus Trouessart, 1914
Antarctica for
Copidognathus porosus Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Copidognathus vanhoeffeni (Lohmann, 1907)
Antarctica for
Halacarellus arnaudi (Newell, 1984)
Antarctica for
Halacarellus auster Bartsch, 1990
Antarctica for
Halacarellus bouvieri (Trouessart, 1914)
Antarctica for
Halacarellus heteroculus (Newell, 1984)
Antarctica for
Halacarellus lubricellus Bartsch, 1990
Antarctica for
Halacarellus novus (Lohmann, 1907)
Antarctica for
Halacarellus obsoletus Bartsch, 1995
Antarctica for
Halacarellus sokolovi (Newell, 1984)
Antarctica for
Halacarellus thomasi (Newell, 1984)
Antarctica for
Halacarus arnaudi Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Halacarus cucullatus Bartsch, 1993
Antarctica for
Halacarus excellens Lohmann, 1907
Antarctica for
Halacarus laterculatus Viets, 1950
Antarctica for
Halacarus minor Lohmann, 1907
Antarctica for
Halacarus nanus Gimbel, 1919
Antarctica for
Halacarus otiosus Bartsch, 1993
Antarctica for
Halacarus profundus Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Halacarus propinquus Viets, 1940
Antarctica for
Halacarus validus Gimbel, 1919
Antarctica for
Lohmannella antarctica Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Lohmannella fukushimai Imamura, 1968
Antarctica for
Lohmannella gaussi Lohmann, 1907
Antarctica for
Lohmannella kerguelensis Lohmann, 1907
Antarctica for
Mictognathus werthelloides Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Rhombognathus adeliensis Newell, 1984
Antarctica for
Rhombognathus ambiguus Newell, 1984
Antipodes Islands for
Halacarellus decipiens (Newell, 1984)
Argentine Basin for
Agaue verrucosa Bartsch, 1982
Argentine Basin for
Halacarus longior Bartsch, 1981
Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone for
Agauopsis racki Newell, 1984
Chile for
Halacarus laterculatus Viets, 1950
Chile for
Isobactrus microdens Newell, 1984
Chile for
Lohmannella grandipora Newell, 1984
Crozet Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for
Bradyagaue crozetis Bartsch, 1992
Crozet Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for
Lohmannella gaussi Lohmann, 1907
Elephant Island for
Colobocerasides auster Bartsch, 1998
Falkland Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarus laterculatus Viets, 1950
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Agauopsis antarctica (Lohmann, 1907)
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Bradyagaue drygalskii (Lohmann, 1907)
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Copidognathus crypticus Newell, 1984
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Copidognathus kerguelensis (Lohmann, 1907)
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Copidognathus ypsilophorus Newell, 1984
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarellus kerguelensis (Lohmann, 1907)
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarellus novus (Lohmann, 1907)
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarus gracileunguiculatus Lohmann, 1907
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarus robustus Lohmann, 1907
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarus werthi Lohmann, 1907
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Isobactrus magnus (Lohmann, 1907)
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Lohmannella hureaui Newell, 1984
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Lohmannella kerguelensis Lohmann, 1907
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Mictognathus werthelloides Newell, 1984
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for
Rhombognathus apsteini Lohmann, 1907
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Agaue hamiltoni Womersley, 1937
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Agaue villosa (Lohmann, 1907)
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Bradyagaue drygalskii (Lohmann, 1907)
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Copidognathus johnstoni (Womersley, 1937)
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarellus harioti (Trouessart, 1889)
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarus gracileunguiculatus Lohmann, 1907
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarus hemispinosus Newell, 1984
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarus robustus Lohmann, 1907
Macquarie Island Exclusive Economic Zone for
Isobactrus macquariensis Newell, 1984
Macquarie Ridge for
Halacarellus decipiens (Newell, 1984)
Magellan Strait for
Halacarellus novellus Bartsch & Pugh, 1994
Marion Bay for
Lohmannella gaussi Lohmann, 1907
Marion Bay for
Rhombognathus apsteini Lohmann, 1907
New Zealand for
Agaue parva (Chilton, 1883)
North West Atlantic for
Halacarus longior Bartsch, 1981
Prince Edward Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarellus novus (Lohmann, 1907)
Prince Edward Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for
Halacarellus parilis Bartsch, 1979
Prince Edward Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for
Isobactrus magnus (Lohmann, 1907)
Saint Paul Island for
Halacarellus novus (Lohmann, 1907)
South Africa (country) for
Copidognathus simonis (Lohmann, 1907)
South America for
Halacarellus harioti (Trouessart, 1889)
South America for
Halacarellus novus (Lohmann, 1907)
South East Pacific for
Agauopsis racki Newell, 1984
South Georgian and the South Sandwich Islands for
Agauopsis glacialis Bartsch, 1993
South Georgian and the South Sandwich Islands for
Copidognathus acanthophorus Viets, 1950
South Georgian and the South Sandwich Islands for
Copidognathus marcandrei Viets, 1950
South Georgian and the South Sandwich Islands for
Halacarellus georgiensis (Newell, 1984)
South Georgian and the South Sandwich Islands for
Halacarellus harioti (Trouessart, 1889)