Fifty-nine species in 18 genera of Spionidae are recorded from South America and Antarctica. Eight additional species are also represented but cannot be specifically identified due to the fragmentary nature of the specimens. Two new genera are erected:
Pygospiopsis for
Pygospio dubia Monro and
Amphipolydora for
Polydora abranchiata Hartman. Twelve species are new to science:
Scolelepis eltaninae,
Dispio brachychaeta,
Scolecolepides uncinatus,
Prionospio (Prionospio) orensanzi,
Spio quadrisetosa,
Microspio hartmanae,
M. paradoxa,
Boccardiella occipitalis,
Polydora antonbruunae,
P. ecuadoriana,
P. magellanica, and
Pseudopolydora primigenia. Revisionary data is presented for 12 species. This includes several new synonyms and redescriptions of
Prionospio (Minuspio) patagonica Augener and
Spiophanes soederstroemi Hartman. The distribution and relationships of the spionid faunas from various regions of South America and Antarctic seas are discussed. Only 4 species are common in the high Antarctic region, with 1 species,
Laonice antarcticae, being a probable immigrant from the deep Atlantic Ocean. More endemic species occur on the eastern side of South America south of 30°S latitude than on the western side. The faunas of both shores, however, show more zoogeographic affinities to the species of the Pacific Ocean than of the Atlantic Ocean.