Introduction: "The following descriptions of species of Serpulids are of forms (six of which are considered as new to science) collected at Bermuda by Professor A. E. Verrill and party, in 1898 and 1901; also at the Island of Dominica, W. I., by A. H. Verrill, in 1906. A full description is given of the rediscovered species Pomatostegus brachysoma of Schmarda who failed to mention characters which, at the present time, are considered of great importance in determining genera and species. Notes are also given of some of Mclntosh's species in which the genera is questionable; but the specimens are not sufficiently well preserved to reveal any additional facts, so that the exact genera must still remain undetermined. Mention is made of most, if not all, of the species belonging to the group found in the southern waters, and figures are introduced of important features of known Mediterranean forms collected at Beirut, Syria, and thought to have been incorrectly determined."