Begins: "At the request of Dr. F. H. Talbot of the South African Museum, the Director of the Division of Fisheries kindly allowed R.V. Africana II to make a series of deep water trawls on the continental slope west of Cape Town during August t959, and a further series during December. The 15 foot Agassiz trawl brought up rich hauls of fish and invertebrates, and I am grateful to Dr. Talbot for allowing me to examine the Polychaeta"
Summary: "Twenty-eight species of Polychaeta are described from abyssal dredging west of Cape Town. The collection includes 4 new species and 11 new records for this area. Only 4 of these species are known from depths less than 100 metres; the rest are widespread at abyssal depths. There is no obvious Antarctic component."