Part 10: The taxonomic research of the polychaetes of the antiboreal southwest of Australia continues, and the studies on the polychaetes of the antiboreal south coast of Western Australia start with material collected in the area between Albany and Ceduna in November 20 to December 1, 1975. 110 species were found; 87 of them were already known to science. 69 of these known species were already found by the author farther west und northwest at the coasts between Derby and Denmark (Parts 2, 4, 6, 8, 9). 9 species and 1 subspecies are new and will be described. 14 species could not be determined to species level because of incompletement or juvenility. 2 of the already known species are recorded from Australia the first time:
Proscoloplos confusus and
Ctenodrilus serratus. 5 species of the already known species are new to Western Australia:
Typosyllis armillaris,
Nephtys inornata, ?
Polydora (Boccardia) polybranchia,
Flabelligera affinis,
Lysilla pacifica; 28 are new to South Australia:
Paleanotus chrysolepis,
P. debilis, ?
Eumida sanguinea,
Typosyllis armillaris,
T. hyalina,
T. macrodentata,
T. rockinghamensis, ?
T. variegata,
Syllides articulosus pumilus,
Brania longisetosa,
B. pusilla,
Sphaerosyllis erinaceus,
S. horrocksensis,
S. hystrix,
S. sexpapillata,
Exogone naidina,
E. spinisetosa,
E. verugera africana,
Nereis heirissonensis,
Sphaerodoropsis exmouthensis,
Proariciella australiensis, ?
Prionospio (Aquilaspio) multipinnatula,
Caulleriella bioculata,
Cirriformia filigera,
C. tentaculata,
Terebella haplochaeta,
Fabriciola australiensis,
Oriopsis busseltonensis.