The main part of this paper deals with noteworthy species of echinoderms (excepting holothurians) from around the mainland of southern Africa south of the Tropic of Capricorn, with appendices on a few species from off-lying localities including the Vema Seamount, Walter's Shoal, a peak of the South-West Indian Ocean Ridge and Madagascar. Most of the specimens came from the Ecological Survey of the University of Cape Town, but some were collected in conjunction with the International Indian Ocean Year, notably by the 'Anton Bruun' ; a few from the British Museum collections are also dealt with. Three new species of ophiuroids are described and the ranges of four other ophiuroids and two unstalked crinoids are extended to Southern Africa. A lectotype is selected for
Astropecten granulatus natalensis John and taxonomic changes are made to several nominal species of other Asterozoa, including transfers to different genera, alterations in rank and synonymies (see p. 483).