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Gomont, M. (1892 (1893)). Monographie des Oscillariées (Nostocacées Homocystées). Deuxième partie. - Lyngbyées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique. 7(16): 91-264.
Gomont, M.
1892 (1893)
Monographie des Oscillariées (Nostocacées Homocystées). Deuxième partie. - Lyngbyées.
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique
7(16): 91-264
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2016-09-28 09:06:38Z

Arthrospira Sitzenberger ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Arthrospira jenneri Stizenberger ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Borzia Cohn ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Borzia trilocularis Cohn ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Lyngbya C.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Lyngbya aerugineocaerulea Gomont, 1892 accepted as Potamolinea aerugineo-caerulea (Gomont) M.D.Martins & L.H.Z.Branco, 2016 (original description)
Lyngbya aestuarii Liebman ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Lyngbya lagerheimii Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Leptolyngbya lagerheimii (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Lyngbya lutea Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Lyngbya martensiana Meneghini ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Lyngbya purpurea Gomont, 1892 accepted as Leptolyngbya purpurea (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Lyngbya semiplena J.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria agardhii Gomont, 1892 accepted as Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Oscillatoria amoena Gomont, 1892 accepted as Microcoleus amoenus (Gomont) Strunecky, Komárek & J.R.Johansen, 2013 (original description)
Oscillatoria amphibia C.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Anagnostidinema amphibium (C.Agardh ex Gomont) Strunecký, Bohunická, J.R.Johansen & J.Komárek, 2017 (original description)
Oscillatoria anguina Bory ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria animalis C.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Kamptonema animale (C.Agardh ex Gomont) Strunecký, Komárek & J.Smarda, 2014 (original description)
Oscillatoria brevis Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Phormidium breve (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Oscillatoria chlorina Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Kamptonema chlorinum (Kützing ex Gomont) Strunecký, Komárek & J.Smarda, 2014 (original description)
Oscillatoria cortiana Meneghini ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Kamptonema cortianum (Meneghini ex Gomont) Strunecký, Komárek & J.Smarda, 2014 (original description)
Oscillatoria curviceps C.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria formosa Bory ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Kamptonema formosum (Bory ex Gomont) Strunecký, Komárek & J.Smarda, 2014 (original description)
Oscillatoria geminata Schwabe ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Jaaginema geminatum (Schwabe ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Oscillatoria grunowiana Gomont, 1892 accepted as Phormidium grunowianum (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Oscillatoria irrigua Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Phormidium irriguum (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Oscillatoria limosa C.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria proboscidea Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria sancta Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria simplicissima Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria splendida Greville ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Geitlerinema splendidum (Gomont) Anagnostidis, 1989 (original description)
Oscillatoria tenuis C.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Oscillatoria terebriformis C.Agardh ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Phormidium terebriforme (C.Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium ambiguum Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium autumnale Gomont, 1892 accepted as Microcoleus autumnalis (Gomont) Strunecky, Komárek & J.R.Johansen, 2013 (original description)
Phormidium corium Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium crouani Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium favosum Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium foveolarum Gomont, 1892 accepted as Leptolyngbya foveolarum (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Phormidium fragile Gomont, 1893 accepted as Leptolyngbya fragilis (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Phormidium incrustatum Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium inundatum Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium laminosum Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Leptolyngbya laminosa (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Phormidium luridum Gomont, 1892 accepted as Drouetiella lurida (Gomont) Mai, J.R.Johansen & Pietrasiak, 2018 (original description)
Phormidium retzii Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium subfuscum Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium submembranaceum Kützng ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium tenue Gomont, 1892 accepted as Leptolyngbya tenuis (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Phormidium uncinatum Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Phormidium valderianum Gomont, 1892 accepted as Leptolyngbya valderiana (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Plectonema Thuret ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Plectonema nostocorum Bornet ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Leptolyngbya nostocorum (Bornet ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 (original description)
Spirulina Turpin ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Spirulina major Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
Symploca Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 (original description)
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