The Polychaeta collected during three distinct Brazilian Antarctic Expeditions (December 1996 to January-1997; December 1997 to January 1998; January to April 2001) in the Admiralty Bay have been studied. A total of 127 specimens have been examined and 18 species, belonging to 12 families, have been identified. The family Terebellidae was the most important family in number of species, and Terebellidae, Nephtyidae and Polynoidae in number of individuals. The species
Terebellides longicaudatus and
Aglaophamus trissophyllus were reported from the first time to the Bay and the genera
Proclea (Terebellidae),
Neanthes (Nereididae),
Bradabyssa (Flabelligeridae),
Euclymene (Maldanidae) were reported from the first time in the Martel Inlet.