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Solariella S. V. Wood, 1842

138597  (

Eumargarita (Periaulax) Cossmann, 1888 † · unaccepted (junior subjective synonym)
Eumargarita (Solariella) S. V. Wood, 1842 · unaccepted (superseded combination)
Machaeroplax Friele, 1877 · unaccepted (junior subjective synonym)
Margarita (Solariella) S. V. Wood, 1842 · unaccepted (superseded combination)
Minolia (Machaeroplax) Friele, 1877 · unaccepted (synonym)
Monilea (Solariella) S. V. Wood, 1840 · unaccepted (superseded combination)
Solariella (Periaulax) Cossmann, 1888 † · unaccepted (junior subjective synonym)
Trochus (Solariella) S. V. Wood, 1842 · unaccepted (superseded combination)


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  1. Species Solariella albalitus MacNeil, 1961 †
  2. Species Solariella amabilis (Jeffreys, 1865)
  3. Species Solariella amblygoniata Cossmann, 1910 †
  4. Species Solariella anarensis Dell, 1972
  5. Species Solariella angsanana (K. Martin, 1922) †
  6. Species Solariella antarctica A. W. B. Powell, 1958
  7. Species Solariella asaphea D. G. Herbert, 2024
  8. Species Solariella auris S.-I Huang, H.-Y. Kao, I-F. Fu, M.-H. Lin & K.-H. Jang, 2025
  9. Species Solariella bathyantarctica Numanami, 1996
  10. Species Solariella bermejoi Rolán, Hernández & Déniz, 2005
  11. Species Solariella bimarginata (Deshayes, 1863) †
  12. Species Solariella brychia (R. B. Watson, 1879)
  13. Species Solariella cancilla Dall, 1927
  14. Species Solariella carvalhoi Lopes & Cardoso, 1958
  15. Species Solariella chani Vilvens, 2009
  16. Species Solariella charopa (R. B. Watson, 1879)
  17. Species Solariella cheloti Le Renard, 1994 †
  18. Species Solariella cheni S.-I Huang, H.-Y. Kao, I-F. Fu, M.-H. Lin & K.-H. Jang, 2025
  19. Species Solariella chodon Vilvens, 2009
  20. Species Solariella cicca Hickman, 1980 †
  21. Species Solariella cincta (R. A. Philippi, 1836)
  22. Species Solariella cingulima Locard, 1898
  23. Species Solariella cristata Quinn, 1992
  24. Species Solariella crossata Dall, 1927
  25. Species Solariella dali S.-I Huang, H.-Y. Kao, I-F. Fu, M.-H. Lin & K.-H. Jang, 2025
  26. Species Solariella dedonderorum (Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006)
  27. Species Solariella delicata Dall, 1919
  28. Species Solariella densepunctata Thiele, 1925
  29. Species Solariella depressa (Dall, 1889)
  30. Species Solariella diomedea Dall, 1919
  31. Species Solariella discreta (Deshayes, 1863) †
  32. Species Solariella distinguenda Cossmann, 1910 †
  33. Species Solariella dumasi (Cossmann, 1907) †
  34. Species Solariella duvergieri Cossmann & Peyrot, 1917 †
  35. Species Solariella elegantula Dall, 1925
  36. Species Solariella filosa Cossmann, 1888 †
  37. Species Solariella galkini Bagirov, 1995
  38. Species Solariella grata (Deshayes, 1863) †
  39. Species Solariella griesbachi Kiel & Bandel, 2003 †
  40. Species Solariella inoptanda (Locard, 1898)
  41. Species Solariella iris (Dall, 1881)
  42. Species Solariella karikalensis Cossmann, 1910 †
  43. Species Solariella kempi A. W. B. Powell, 1951
  44. Species Solariella kengchingi S.-I Huang, H.-Y. Kao, I-F. Fu, M.-H. Lin & K.-H. Jang, 2025
  45. Species Solariella keralaenis Harzhauser, 2014 †
  46. Species Solariella krohi Harzhauser, 2007 †
  47. Species Solariella kroisbachensis Traub, 1979 †
  48. Species Solariella lacunella (Dall, 1881)
  49. Species Solariella lupe Rolán, Hernández & Déniz, 2005
  50. Species Solariella lusitanica (P. Fischer, 1882)
  51. Species Solariella maculata S. V. Wood, 1842 †
  52. Species Solariella margaritifera (Okutani, 1964)
  53. Species Solariella marginata Schepman, 1908
  54. Species Solariella marginulata (R. A. Philippi, 1844) †
  55. Species Solariella marshalli (P. A. Maxwell, 1992) †
  56. Species Solariella meiyuae S.-I Huang, H.-Y. Kao, I-F. Fu, M.-H. Lin & K.-H. Jang, 2025
  57. Species Solariella micraulax J. H. McLean, 1964
  58. Species Solariella miosuturalis (Kautsky, 1925) †
  59. Species Solariella multirestis Quinn, 1979
  60. Species Solariella nanshaensis Z.-Z. Dong, 2002
  61. Species Solariella neglecta Thiele, 1925
  62. Species Solariella oblivio S.-I Huang, H.-Y. Kao, I-F. Fu, M.-H. Lin & K.-H. Jang, 2025
  63. Species Solariella obscura (Couthouy, 1838)
  64. Species Solariella patriae Carcelles, 1953
  65. Species Solariella periomphalia (E. von Martens, 1901)
  66. Species Solariella periscopia Dall, 1927
  67. Species Solariella plakhus Vilvens, 2009
  68. Species Solariella pompholugota (R. B. Watson, 1879)
  69. Species Solariella pygmaea Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006
  70. Species Solariella quinni J. Barros & Pereira, 2008
  71. Species Solariella rhina (R. B. Watson, 1886)
  72. Species Solariella sanjuanensis Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006
  73. Species Solariella segersi (Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006)
  74. Species Solariella simplex (Deshayes, 1863) †
  75. Species Solariella spirata (Lamarck, 1804) †
  76. Species Solariella straeleni Glibert, 1952 †
  77. Species Solariella susanae P. A. Maxwell, 1988 †
  78. Species Solariella tavernia Dall, 1919
  79. Species Solariella tenuicollaris A. N. Golikov & Sirenko, 1998
  80. Species Solariella tomowoozawai Thach, 2023
  81. Species Solariella triplostephanus Dall, 1910
  82. Species Solariella trivialis Lozouet, 2015 †
  83. Species Solariella trochiformis (Deshayes, 1832) †
  84. Species Solariella trochulus (Deshayes, 1863) †
  85. Species Solariella tubula Dall, 1927
  86. Species Solariella turbinoides (Lamarck, 1804) †
  87. Species Solariella vancouverensis (E. A. Smith, 1880)
  88. Species Solariella varicosa (Mighels & C. B. Adams, 1842)
  89. Species Solariella wareni Landau, Marquet & Grigis, 2003 †
  90. Species Solariella zacalles Melvill, 1903
  91. Subgenus Solariella (Conotrochus) Pilsbry, 1889 accepted as Pagodatrochus D. G. Herbert, 1989 (junior primary homonym of Conotrochus Seguenza, 1864 (Cnidaria))
    1. Species Solariella (Conotrochus) tragema Melvill & Standen, 1896 accepted as Vanitrochus tragema (Melvill & Standen, 1896) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    2. Species Solariella (Conotrochus) sayademalhana Melvill, 1909 (uncertain > unassessed, use in recent literature not established by editor)
  92. Subgenus Solariella (Ethaliopsis) Schepman, 1908 accepted as Bathymophila Dall, 1881
    1. Species Solariella (Ethaliopsis) callomphala Schepman, 1908 accepted as Bathymophila callomphala (Schepman, 1908) (superseded combination)
    2. Species Solariella (Ethaliopsis) vitilevensis Ladd, 1982 † accepted as Bathymophila vitilevensis (Ladd, 1982) † (superseded combination)
  93. Subgenus Solariella (Microgaza) Dall, 1881 accepted as Microgaza Dall, 1881 (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    1. Species Solariella (Microgaza) alabida B. A. Marshall, 1979 accepted as Phragmomphalina alabida (B. A. Marshall, 1979) (superseded combination)
    2. Species Solariella (Microgaza) dawsoni B. A. Marshall, 1979 accepted as Bathymophila dawsoni (B. A. Marshall, 1979) (superseded combination)
    3. Species Solariella (Microgaza) hurleyi B. A. Marshall, 1979 accepted as Archiminolia hurleyi (B. A. Marshall, 1979) (superseded combination)
    4. Species Solariella (Microgaza) meyeri Kilburn, 1973 accepted as Ilanga biradiatula (E. von Martens, 1902) (superseded combination)
    5. Species Solariella (Microgaza) opalina Shikama & Hayashi, 1977 accepted as Microgaza opalina (Shikama & Hayashi, 1977) accepted as Elaphriella opalina (Shikama & Hayashi, 1977) (superseded combination)
    6. Species Solariella (Microgaza) solarioides (Deshayes, 1863) † accepted as Microgaza solarioides (Deshayes, 1863) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    7. Species Solariella (Microgaza) undata G. B. Sowerby II, 1870 accepted as Ilanga bicarinata bicarinata (A. Adams & Reeve, 1850) (superseded combination)
  94. Subgenus Solariella (Micropiliscus) Dall, 1927 accepted as Haloceras Dall, 1889
    1. Species Solariella (Micropiliscus) constricta Dall, 1927 accepted as Haloceras carinatum (Jeffreys, 1883) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  95. Subgenus Solariella (Minolia) A. Adams, 1860 accepted as Minolia A. Adams, 1860
  96. Subgenus Solariella (Periaulax) Cossmann, 1888 † accepted as Solariella S. V. Wood, 1842 (junior subjective synonym)
    1. Species Solariella (Periaulax) discreta (Deshayes, 1863) † accepted as Solariella discreta (Deshayes, 1863) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    2. Species Solariella (Periaulax) dumasi (Cossmann, 1907) † accepted as Solariella dumasi (Cossmann, 1907) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    3. Species Solariella (Periaulax) grata (Deshayes, 1863) † accepted as Solariella grata (Deshayes, 1863) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    4. Species Solariella (Periaulax) spirata (Lamarck, 1804) † accepted as Solariella spirata (Lamarck, 1804) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    5. Species Solariella (Periaulax) trochiformis (Deshayes, 1832) † accepted as Solariella trochiformis (Deshayes, 1832) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  97. Subgenus Solariella (Solaricida) Dall, 1919 accepted as Calliotropis L. Seguenza, 1903
    1. Species Solariella (Solaricida) hondoensis Dall, 1919 accepted as Calliotropis hondoensis (Dall, 1919) (superseded combination)
  98. Subgenus Solariella (Solariella) S. V. Wood, 1842 accepted as Eumargarita (Solariella) S. V. Wood, 1842 accepted as Solariella S. V. Wood, 1842
    1. Species Solariella (Solariella) architectonica Lozano-Francisco & Vera-Peláez, 2002 † accepted as Calliotropis architectonica (Lozano-Francisco & Vera-Peláez, 2002) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  99. Subgenus Solariella (Spectamen) Iredale, 1924 accepted as Spectamen Iredale, 1924 (superseded combination)
    1. Species Solariella (Spectamen) nektonica Okutani, 1961 accepted as Ethminolia nektonica (Okutani, 1961)
  100. Subgenus Solariella (Suavotrochus) Dall, 1924 accepted as Suavotrochus Dall, 1924 (superseded combination)
    1. Species Solariella (Suavotrochus) lubrica (Dall, 1881) accepted as Suavotrochus lubricus (Dall, 1881) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  101. Species Solariella affinis (Friele, 1877) accepted as Solariella amabilis (Jeffreys, 1865)
  102. Species Solariella agulhasensis Thiele, 1925 accepted as Ilanga agulhasensis (Thiele, 1925) (superseded combination)
  103. Species Solariella albula (Gould, 1861) accepted as Solariella obscura (Couthouy, 1838)
  104. Species Solariella algoensis Thiele, 1925 accepted as Pseudominolia articulata (A. Gould, 1861)
  105. Species Solariella ambigua Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896 accepted as Calliotropis ambigua (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896)
  106. Species Solariella anoxia Dall, 1927 accepted as Echinogurges anoxius (Dall, 1927) (superseded combination)
  107. Species Solariella aquamarina Melvill, 1909 accepted as Ilanga aquamarina (Melvill, 1909) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  108. Species Solariella basilica B. A. Marshall, 1999 accepted as Spectamen basilicum (B. A. Marshall, 1999) (superseded combination)
  109. Species Solariella beckeri G. B. Sowerby III, 1901 accepted as Skenea fuscomaculata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1892) (junior subjective synonym)
  110. Species Solariella benthicola (A. W. B. Powell, 1937) accepted as Spectamen benthicola (A. W. B. Powell, 1937) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  111. Species Solariella biradiatula E. von Martens, 1902 accepted as Ilanga biradiatula (E. von Martens, 1902) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  112. Species Solariella calatha Dall, 1927 accepted as Calliotropis calatha (Dall, 1927) (original combination)
  113. Species Solariella callomphala Schepman, 1908 accepted as Bathymophila callomphala (Schepman, 1908) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  114. Species Solariella canaliculata E. A. Smith, 1872 accepted as Lirularia canaliculata (E. A. Smith, 1872) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  115. Species Solariella cancapae Vilvens & Swinnen, 2007 accepted as Lamellitrochus cancapae (Vilvens & Swinnen, 2007) (original combination)
  116. Species Solariella cancellata (Jeffreys, 1883) accepted as Vetulonia paucivaricosa (Dautzenberg, 1889)
  117. Species Solariella carinata (Laws, 1935) † accepted as Spectamen carinatum (Laws, 1935) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  118. Species Solariella carlotta Dall, 1902 accepted as Calliotropis carlotta (Dall, 1902)
  119. Species Solariella ceratophora Dall, 1896 accepted as Bathybembix ceratophora (Dall, 1896) accepted as Calliotropis ceratophora (Dall, 1896)
  120. Species Solariella chuni Thiele, 1925 accepted as Zetela semisculpta (E. von Martens, 1904) (junior subjective synonym)
  121. Species Solariella clavata (R. B. Watson, 1879) accepted as Echinogurges clavatus (R. B. Watson, 1879) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  122. Species Solariella constricta Dall, 1927 accepted as Haloceras carinata (Jeffreys, 1883) accepted as Haloceras carinatum (Jeffreys, 1883)
  123. Species Solariella dereimsi Dollfus, 1911 accepted as Lirularia dereimsi (Dollfus, 1911)
  124. Species Solariella dilecta (G. B. Sowerby III, 1899) accepted as Pseudominolia articulata (A. Gould, 1861)
  125. Species Solariella durbanensis Kilburn, 1977 accepted as Ethminolia durbanensis (Kilburn, 1977) (original combination)
  126. Species Solariella effossima Locard, 1898 accepted as Calliotropis effossima (Locard, 1898) (original combination)
  127. Species Solariella equatorialis Dall, 1908 accepted as Calliotropis (Solaricida) equatorialis (Dall, 1908) accepted as Calliotropis equatorialis (Dall, 1908)
  128. Species Solariella euteia Vilvens, 2009 accepted as Spectamen euteium (Vilvens, 2009) (original combination)
  129. Species Solariella exigua B. A. Marshall, 1999 accepted as Spectamen exiguum (B. A. Marshall, 1999) (superseded combination)
  130. Species Solariella fera Bagirov, 1995 accepted as Solariella margaritifera (Okutani, 1964)
  131. Species Solariella flavida B. A. Marshall, 1999 accepted as Spectamen flavidum (B. A. Marshall, 1999) (superseded combination)
  132. Species Solariella fossa (Laws, 1932) † accepted as Spectamen fossa (Laws, 1932) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  133. Species Solariella franciscana Barnard, 1963 accepted as Spectamen franciscanum (Barnard, 1963) (original combination)
  134. Species Solariella fuscomaculata G. B. Sowerby III, 1892 accepted as Skenea fuscomaculata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1892) (original combination)
  135. Species Solariella galapagana Dall, 1908 accepted as Bathybembix galapagana (Dall, 1908)
  136. Species Solariella gilchristi Barnard, 1963 accepted as Zetela semisculpta (E. von Martens, 1904) (junior subjective synonym)
  137. Species Solariella godineauensis Van Winkle, 1919 † accepted as Cataegis godineauensis (Van Winkle, 1919) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  138. Species Solariella gratiosa Thiele, 1925 accepted as Ilanga bicarinata bicarinata (A. Adams & Reeve, 1850)
  139. Species Solariella hondoensis Dall, 1919 accepted as Calliotropis hondoensis (Dall, 1919) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  140. Species Solariella humillima Thiele, 1925 accepted as Ilanga humillima (Thiele, 1925) (original combination)
  141. Species Solariella illustris Sturany, 1900 accepted as Ilanga illustris (Sturany, 1900) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  142. Species Solariella incisura Melvill, 1909 accepted as Phragmomphalina incisura (Melvill, 1909) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  143. Species Solariella infralaevis E. von Martens, 1902 accepted as Arxellia infralaevis (E. von Martens, 1902) (original combination)
  144. Species Solariella infundibulum (R. B. Watson, 1879) accepted as Calliotropis infundibulum (R. B. Watson, 1879) (superseded combination)
  145. Species Solariella intermedia (Leche, 1878) accepted as Solariella obscura (Couthouy, 1838) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  146. Species Solariella intermissa Thiele, 1925 accepted as Zetela semisculpta (E. von Martens, 1904) (junior subjective synonym)
  147. Species Solariella iridescens (Habe, 1961) accepted as Chonospeira iridescens (Habe, 1961) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  148. Species Solariella iridifulgens Melvill, 1910 accepted as Ethminolia iridifulgens (Melvill, 1910) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  149. Species Solariella koreanica Dall, 1919 accepted as Margarites koreanicus (Dall, 1919) (original combination)
  150. Species Solariella laevis Friele, 1886 accepted as Solariella obscura (Couthouy, 1838) (junior subjective synonym)
  151. Species Solariella laevissima (E. von Martens, 1881) accepted as Ilanga laevissima (E. von Martens, 1881)
  152. Species Solariella laminarum (Jeffreys, 1883) accepted as Margarites laminarum (Jeffreys, 1883)
  153. Species Solariella lenis (Marwick, 1928) † accepted as Spectamen lenis (Marwick, 1928) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  154. Species Solariella lewisae Willett, 1946 accepted as Solariella obscura (Couthouy, 1838)
  155. Species Solariella lubrica (Dall, 1881) accepted as Suavotrochus lubricus (Dall, 1881) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  156. Species Solariella luteola (A. W. B. Powell, 1937) accepted as Spectamen luteolum (A. W. B. Powell, 1937) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  157. Species Solariella macleari Barnard, 1963 accepted as Zetela semisculpta (E. von Martens, 1904) (junior subjective synonym)
  158. Species Solariella metallica Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891 accepted as Calliotropis metallica (Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891) (original combination)
  159. Species Solariella meyeri Kilburn, 1973 accepted as Ilanga biradiatula (E. von Martens, 1902)
  160. Species Solariella micans Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896 accepted as Bathymophila micans (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896)
  161. Species Solariella mogadorensis Locard, 1898 accepted as Calliotropis mogadorensis (Locard, 1898) (original combination)
  162. Species Solariella monodi Fischer-Piette & Nicklès, 1946 accepted as Lirularia monodi (Fischer-Piette & Nicklès, 1946)
  163. Species Solariella multistriata Thiele, 1925 accepted as Spectamen multistriatum (Thiele, 1925) (original combination)
  164. Species Solariella mutabilis Schepman, 1908 accepted as Spectamen mutabile (Schepman, 1908) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  165. Species Solariella nektonica Okutani, 1961 accepted as Ethminolia nektonica (Okutani, 1961) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  166. Species Solariella nitens Thiele, 1925 accepted as Ilanga laevissima (E. von Martens, 1881)
  167. Species Solariella nuda Dall, 1896 accepted as Chonospeira nuda (Dall, 1896) (original combination)
  168. Species Solariella nyssonus Dall, 1919 accepted as Minolia nyssonus (Dall, 1919) (original combination)
  169. Species Solariella olivacea (T. Brown, 1827) accepted as Margarites olivaceus (T. Brown, 1827) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  170. Species Solariella olivaceostrigata Schepman, 1908 accepted as Elaphriella olivaceostrigata (Schepman, 1908) (original combination)
  171. Species Solariella opalina Shikama & Hayashi, 1977 accepted as Elaphriella opalina (Shikama & Hayashi, 1977) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  172. Species Solariella ordo (Laws, 1941) † accepted as Spectamen ordo (Laws, 1941) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  173. Species Solariella ornatissima (Schepman, 1908) accepted as Ethminolia ornatissima (Schepman, 1908)
  174. Species Solariella oxybasis Dall, 1890 accepted as Bathybembix bairdii (Dall, 1889) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  175. Species Solariella oxycona E. A. Smith, 1899 accepted as Calliotropis oxycona (E. A. Smith, 1899) (original combination)
  176. Species Solariella pachyozodes Cossmann, 1910 † accepted as Rubritrochus pachyozodes (Cossmann, 1910) † (original combination)
  177. Species Solariella peramabilis P. P. Carpenter, 1864 accepted as Minolia peramabilis (P. P. Carpenter, 1864) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  178. Species Solariella peristicta B. A. Marshall, 1999 accepted as Spectamen peristictum (B. A. Marshall, 1999) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  179. Species Solariella persculpta G. B. Sowerby III, 1903 accepted as Calliotropis persculpta (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903) (original combination)
  180. Species Solariella plicatula (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) accepted as Spectamen plicatulum (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  181. Species Solariella pourtalesi Clench & Aguayo, 1939 accepted as Lamellitrochus pourtalesi (Clench & Aguayo, 1939) (original combination)
  182. Species Solariella praetextilis Suter, 1917 † accepted as Zetela praetextilis (Suter, 1917) † (superseded combination)
  183. Species Solariella pseudobscura Yokoyama, 1927 † accepted as Minolia pseudobscura (Yokoyama, 1927) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  184. Species Solariella pulchella W. H. Turton, 1932 accepted as Skenea fuscomaculata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1892)
  185. Species Solariella quadricincta Quinn, 1992 accepted as Solariella carvalhoi Lopes & Cardoso, 1958
  186. Species Solariella quantilla W. H. Turton, 1932 accepted as Afriscrobs quantilla (W. H. Turton, 1932) (original combination)
  187. Species Solariella regalis (A. E. Verrill & S. Smith, 1880) accepted as Calliotropis regalis (A. E. Verrill & S. Smith, 1880) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  188. Species Solariella reticulina Dall, 1895 accepted as Calliotropis reticulina (Dall, 1895) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  189. Species Solariella rhyssa Dall, 1919 accepted as Solariella peramabilis P. P. Carpenter, 1864 accepted as Minolia peramabilis (P. P. Carpenter, 1864)
  190. Species Solariella rudecta Locard, 1898 accepted as Calliotropis rudecta (Locard, 1898) (original combination)
  191. Species Solariella rufanensis W. H. Turton, 1932 accepted as Skenea fuscomaculata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1892)
  192. Species Solariella sakya Yokoyama, 1931 † accepted as Minolia sakya (Yokoyama, 1931) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  193. Species Solariella scabriuscula (Dall, 1881) accepted as Calliotropis tiara (R. B. Watson, 1879)
  194. Species Solariella sculpta G. B. Sowerby III, 1897 accepted as Ethminolia sculpta (G. B. Sowerby III, 1897) (original combination)
  195. Species Solariella semireticulata (Suter, 1908) accepted as Spectamen semireticulatum (Suter, 1908) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  196. Species Solariella semisculpta (E. von Martens, 1904) accepted as Zetela semisculpta (E. von Martens, 1904) (superseded combination)
  197. Species Solariella shimajiriensis MacNeil, 1961 † accepted as Minolia shimajiriensis (MacNeil, 1961)
  198. Species Solariella splendens G. B. Sowerby III, 1897 accepted as Pseudominolia splendens (G. B. Sowerby III, 1897) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  199. Species Solariella staminea Quinn, 1992 (unaccepted)
  200. Species Solariella stearnsi (Pilsbry, 1895) (unaccepted)
  201. Species Solariella sulcatina Suter, 1917 † (unaccepted, superseded combination)
  202. Species Solariella talismani Locard, 1898 (unaccepted, original combination)
  203. Species Solariella tiara (R. B. Watson, 1879) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  204. Species Solariella tragema Melvill & Standen, 1896 (unaccepted, original combination)
  205. Species Solariella tricincta (Deshayes, 1863) † (unaccepted > superseded rank)
  206. Species Solariella tryphenensis (A. W. B. Powell, 1930) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  207. Species Solariella tuberculata Bagirov, 1995 (unaccepted)
  208. Species Solariella tubulata Dall, 1927 (unaccepted)
  209. Species Solariella turbynei Barnard, 1963 (unaccepted, superseded combination)
  210. Species Solariella undata G. B. Sowerby II, 1870 (unaccepted)
  211. Species Solariella vaillanti (P. Fischer, 1882) (unaccepted)
  212. Species Solariella valdiviae Thiele, 1925 (unaccepted)
  213. Species Solariella valida Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1906 (unaccepted, original combination)
  214. Species Solariella venusta (P. A. Maxwell, 1969) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  215. Species Solariella vera (A. W. B. Powell, 1937) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  216. Species Solariella zacalloides Schepman, 1908 (unaccepted)
  217. Species Solariella altiuscula Guppy, 1896 † (uncertain > unassessed)
  218. Species Solariella bakonica Strausz, 1966 † (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  219. Species Solariella caeciliae Kautsky, 1925 † (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  220. Species Solariella caroniana Maury, 1925 † (uncertain > unassessed)
  221. Species Solariella dautzenbergi Cossmann, 1899 † (uncertain > unassessed)
  222. Species Solariella deliciosa Preston, 1916 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  223. Species Solariella dowi Barnard, 1963 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  224. Species Solariella dubia W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  225. Species Solariella dulcissima Preston, 1908 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  226. Species Solariella innocens W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  227. Species Solariella kraussi W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  228. Species Solariella marthae Kautsky, 1925 † (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  229. Species Solariella minutissima W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  230. Species Solariella palirrous Barnard, 1963 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  231. Species Solariella perminima W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  232. Species Solariella perplexa W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  233. Species Solariella rubrolineata W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  234. Species Solariella rubromaculata W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  235. Species Solariella rubrostrigata W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  236. Species Solariella satparaensis Preston, 1914 (uncertain > unassessed)
  237. Species Solariella semidecussata (Guppy, 1867) † (uncertain > unassessed)
  238. Species Solariella semiusta W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  239. Species Solariella tenuis G. B. Sowerby III, 1905 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum, use in recent liteature currently undocumented)
  240. Species Solariella turritellina Ancey, 1881 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  241. Species Solariella vaughani Mansfield, 1930 † (uncertain > unassessed)
  242. Species Solariella whitechurchi W. H. Turton, 1932 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
Wood, S.V. (1842). A catalog of shells from the Crag. <em>Annals and Magazine of Natural History.</em> (1) 9: 455-462; 527-544, pl. 5., available online at
page(s): 531 [details] 
MolluscaBase eds. (2021). MolluscaBase. Solariella S. V. Wood, 1842. Accessed at: on 2025-02-08
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2006-04-05 09:14:33Z
2009-02-02 11:06:43Z
2015-11-29 10:39:42Z
2019-05-30 09:30:26Z

Creative Commons License The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

original description Wood, S.V. (1842). A catalog of shells from the Crag. <em>Annals and Magazine of Natural History.</em> (1) 9: 455-462; 527-544, pl. 5., available online at
page(s): 531 [details] 

original description (of Machaeroplax Friele, 1877) Friele H. (1877) Tungebevæbningen hos de Norske Rhipidoglossa. <i>Archiv for mathematik og naturvidenskab</i>, 2: 199-317, pl. 1-5, available online at
page(s): 311 [details] 

original description (of Eumargarita (Periaulax) Cossmann, 1888 †) Cossmann, M. (1888). Catalogue illustré des coquilles fossiles de l'Éocène des environs de Paris. <em>Annales de la Société Royale Malacologique de Belgique.</em> 23: 3-328; pls 1-12. [published 1889; also published as preprint in 1888; see Breure & Backhuys, 2012: 140]., available online at
page(s): 61 [details] 

basis of record Galkin, Yu. I. (1955). Bryukhonogiye mollyuski trokhidy dal'nevostochnykh i severnykh morey SSSR (Semeystvo Trochidae) / Брюхоногие моллюски трохиды дальневосточных и северных морей СССР (Семейство Trochidae) / Gastropod molluscs trochids of Far Eastern and northern seas of the USSR (Family Trochidae). <em>Opredeliteli po faune SSSR.</em> 57: 1-131 (in Russian)., available online at
page(s): 103 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Williams S.T., Kano Y., Warén A. & Herbert D.G. (2020). Marrying molecules and morphology: first steps towards a reevaluation of solariellid genera (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) in the light of molecular phylogenetic studies. <em>Journal of Molluscan Studies.</em> 86(1): 1–26., available online at
page(s): 6 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Marshall, B. A. (1999). A revision of the Recent Solariellinae (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) of the New Zealand region. <em>The Nautilus.</em> 113 (1): 4-42., available online at
page(s): 6 [details] 
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 


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