original description
(of Lacuna notorcadensis Melvill & Standen, 1907) Melvill, J. C. & Standen, R. (1907). The marine Mollusca of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. <em>Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.</em> 46 (1): 119-157, 1 pl., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/41729893
page(s): 131, figs 3, 3a [details]
original description
(of Lacuna wandelensis E. Lamy, 1906) Lamy E. (1906 ["1905"]). Gastéropodes prosobranches recueillis par l´Expédition Antarctique Française du Dr. Charcot. <em>Bulletin du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle.</em> 11(6): 475-483., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42898048
page(s): 478, textfig. 2 [details]
basis of record
Engl, W. (2012). <i>Shells of Antarctica</i>. Hackenheim: Conchbooks. 402 pp. [details]
additional source
Griffiths, H.J.; Linse, K.; Crame, J.A. (2003). SOMBASE - Southern Ocean mollusc database: a tool for biogeographic analysis in diversity and evolution. <em>Organisms Diversity and Evolution.</em> 3: 207-213., available online at https://www.bas.ac.uk/data/our-data/publication/sombase-southern-ocean-mollusc-database-a-tool-for-biogeographic/ [details]
new combination reference
Warén A. & Hain S. (1996). Description of Zerotulidae fam. nov. (Littorinoidea), with comments on an Antarctic littorinid gastropod. <em>The Veliger.</em> 39(4): 277-334. [1 October 1996]., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42501412#page/295/mode/1up [details]
From editor or global species database