original description
Boulenger, G. A. (1902). Pisces. <em>In: Report on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions during the voyage of the "Southern Cross". [ ix, 344 p., 53 leaves of plates].</em> Pt 5: 174-189, Pls. 11-18. [details]
context source (Deepsea)
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), available online at http://www.iobis.org/ [details]
basis of record
Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2025). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (06/2024)., available online at https://www.fishbase.org [details]
additional source
Koubbi, P., G. Duhamel & S. Pavoine. (2006). The SCAR-MarBIN Register of Antarctic Marine Species: Pisces. <em>World Wide Web electronic publication.</em> , available online at https://www.marinespecies.org/rams/ramspisces.php [details]
additional source
Duhamel G, Gasco N and Davaine P, 2005. Poissons des Iles Kerguelen et Crozet. Paris : Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 2005. [details]
ecology source
Looby, A.; Erbe, C.; Bravo, S.; Cox, K.; Davies, H. L.; Di Iorio, L.; Jézéquel, Y.; Juanes, F.; Martin, C. W.; Mooney, T. A.; Radford, C.; Reynolds, L. K.; Rice, A. N.; Riera, A.; Rountree, R.; Spriel, B.; Stanley, J.; Vela, S.; Parsons, M. J. G. (2023). Global inventory of species categorized by known underwater sonifery. <em>Scientific Data.</em> 10(1). (look up in IMIS), available online at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02745-4 [details] 
Present in aphia/obis/gbif/idigbio
Introduced: alien
Containing type locality
Language | Name | |
English |
emerald rockcod |
[details] |
To Barcode of Life (46 barcodes)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (1 publication) (from synonym Notothenia bernacchii (Boulenger, 1902))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (24 publications)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Trematomus bernacchii)
To FishBase (from synonym Notothenia bernacchii (Boulenger, 1902))
To FishBase (from synonym Pagothenia bernacchii (Boulenger, 1902))
To FishBase (from synonym Pseudotrematomus bernacchii (Boulenger, 1902))
To FishBase
To FishBase (from synonym Trematomus bernachii Boulenger, 1902)
To FishBase images (Trematomus bernacchii, Antarctica, by Zimmermann, C.)
To GenBank (150795 nucleotides; 41469 proteins)
To GenBank (150795 nucleotides; 41469 proteins) (from synonym Pagothenia bernacchii (Boulenger, 1902))
To GenBank (150795 nucleotides; 41469 proteins) (from synonym Pseudotrematomus bernacchii (Boulenger, 1902))
To Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI)
From editor or global species database