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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Absconditella Vězda, 1965 (basis of record)
Absconditella antarctica Søchting & Vězda, 2004 (basis of record)
Acarospora A. Massal., 1852 (basis of record)
Acarospora austroshetlandica (C.W. Dodge) Øvstedal, 2001 (basis of record)
Acarospora badiofusca (Nyl.) Th. Fr., 1860 (basis of record)
Acarospora convoluta Darb., 1912 (basis of record)
Acarospora flavocordia Castello & Nimis, 1994 (basis of record)
Acarospora gwynnii C.W. Dodge & E.D. Rudolph, 1955 (basis of record)
Acarospora macrocyclos Vain., 1903 (basis of record)
Acarospora nitrophila H. Magn., 1924 (basis of record)
Acarospora privigna (Ach.) A. Schneid., 1898 (basis of record)
Acarospora veronensis A. Massal., 1852 (basis of record)
Acarospora wahlenbergii H. Magn., 1929 (basis of record)
Acarospora williamsii Filson, 1966 (basis of record)
Acarosporaceae Zahlbr., 1906 (basis of record)
Acarosporales (basis of record)
Acarosporomycetidae (basis of record)
Acremonium Link, 1809 (additional source)
Acremonium psychrophilum C. Möller & W. Gams, 1993 (basis of record)
Acrodontium de Hoog, 1972 (basis of record)
Acrodontium antarcticum Cabello, 1989 (basis of record)
Acrospermaceae Fuckel, 1870 (basis of record)
Acrospermales (basis of record)
Acrospermum Tode, 1790 (basis of record)
Acrospermum antarcticum Speg., 1887 (basis of record)
Acurtis Fr., 1849 (basis of record)
Acurtis sericeus (Quél.) Singer, 1960 (basis of record)
Acurtis sericeus antarcticus Singer, 1960 (basis of record)
Agaricaceae Chevall., 1826 (additional source)
Agaricales (additional source)
Agaricomycetes (basis of record)
Agaricomycetidae (basis of record)
Agaricomycotina (basis of record)
Agonimia Zahlbr., 1909 (basis of record)
Agonimia gelatinosa (Ach.) M. Brand & Diederich, 1999 (basis of record)
Agyriaceae Corda, 1838 (basis of record)
Agyriales (basis of record)
Agyrium Fr., 1822 (basis of record)
Agyrium antarcticum Rehm, 1899 (basis of record)
Alectoria Ach., 1809 (basis of record)
Alectoria antarctica C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker, 1938 (basis of record)
Alectoria nigricans (Ach.) Nyl., 1861 (basis of record)
Amallocystis Fage, 1936 (additional source)
Amallocystis fagei Boschma, 1948 (additional source)
Amandinea M. Choisy, 1950 (basis of record)
Amandinea augusta (Vain.) Søchting & Øvstedal, 2004 (basis of record)
Amandinea babingtonii (Hook. f. & Taylor) Søchting & Øvstedal, 2004 (basis of record)
Amandinea clearyi Elix & Øvstedal, 2020 (basis of record)
Amandinea coniops (Wahlenb.) M. Choisy ex Scheid. & H. Mayrhofer, 1993 (basis of record)
Amandinea falklandica (Darb.) Elix & Kantvilas, 2013 (basis of record)
Amandinea isabellina Søchting & Øvstedal, 2004 (basis of record)
Amandinea latemarginata (Darb.) Søchting & Øvstedal, 2004 (basis of record)
Amandinea petermannii (Hue) Matzer, H. Mayrhofer & Scheid., 1994 (basis of record)
Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins & Scheid., 1993 (basis of record)
Amandinea windmillensis Elix, 2019 (basis of record)
Amundsenia Søchting, Garrido-Ben., Arup & Frödén, 2014 (basis of record)
Amundsenia approximata (Lynge) Søchting, Arup & Frödén, 2014 (basis of record)
Amundsenia austrocontinentalis Garrido-Ben., Søchting, Pérez-Ort. & Seppelt, 2014 (basis of record)
Annulatascaceae S.W. Wong, K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, 1998 (basis of record)
Antarctomyces Stchigel & Guarro, 2001 (basis of record)
Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus Stchigel & Guarro, 2001 (basis of record)
Anthostoma Nitschke, 1867 (basis of record)
Anthostoma antarcticum Speg., 1887 (basis of record)
Anzina Scheid., 1982 (basis of record)
Anzina carneonivea (Anzi) Scheid., 1982 (basis of record)
Apiosordaria Arx & W. Gams, 1967 (basis of record)
Apiosordaria antarctica Stchigel & Guarro, 2003 (basis of record)
Aplanochytriidae C.A. Leander & Caval.-Sm., 2012 (basis of record)
Aplanochytrium Bahnweg & Sparrow, 1972 (additional source)
Aplanochytrium stocchinoi Andreoli & Moro, 2003 (basis of record)
Arthonia E. Acharius, 1806 (additional source)
Arthonia epiphyscia Nyl., 1875 accepted as Bryostigma epiphyscium (Nyl.) S.Y. Kondr. & Hur, 2020 (basis of record)
Arthonia fuscopurpurea (Tul.) R. Sant., 1960 (basis of record)
Arthonia glebosa Tuck., 1872 (basis of record)
Arthonia lapidicola (Taylor) Branth & Rostr., 1869 accepted as Bryostigma lapidicola (Taylor) S.Y. Kondr. & Hur., 2020 (basis of record)
Arthonia molendoi (Heufl. ex Arnold) R. Sant., 1986 accepted as Bryostigma molendoi (Heufl. ex Arnold) S.Y. Kondr. & Hur., 2020 (basis of record)
Arthonia rufidula (Hue) D. Hawksw., R. Sant. & Øvstedal, 1991 (basis of record)
Arthonia subantarctica Øvstedal, 1986 (basis of record)
Arthoniaceae Reichenb. ex Reichenb., 1841 (basis of record)
Arthoniales (basis of record)
Arthoniomycetes (basis of record)
Arthoniomycetidae (basis of record)
Arthopyrenia A. Massalongo, 1852 (additional source)
Arthopyrenia maritima Øvstedal, 1986 (basis of record)
Arthopyrenia praetermissa D.C. Linds., 1975 (basis of record)
Arthopyreniaceae W. Watson, 1929 (basis of record)
Arthothelium A. Massal., 1852 (basis of record)
Arthothelium evanescens Øvstedal, 2001 (basis of record)
Arthrobotrys Corda, 1839 (basis of record)
Arthrobotrys ferox Onofri & S. Tosi, 1992 (basis of record)
Arthrorhaphidaceae Poelt & Hafellner, 1976 (basis of record)
Arthrorhaphis Th. Fr., 1860 (basis of record)
Arthrorhaphis alpina (Schaer.) R. Sant., 1980 (basis of record)
Arthrorhaphis citrinella (Ach.) Poelt, 1969 (basis of record)
Ascochyta Lib., 1830 (basis of record)
Ascochyta antarctica Henn., 1906 (basis of record)
Ascomycota (additional source)
Aspicilia A. Massal., 1852 (basis of record)
Aspicilia aquatica (Fr.) Körb., 1855 (basis of record)
Asterinaceae Hansf., 1946 (basis of record)
Antarctic Ocean for Amallocystis fagei Boschma, 1948 
Antarctic Ocean for Torulopsis austromarina Fell & I.L. Hunter, 1974 
Antarctica for Absconditella antarctica Søchting & Vězda, 2004 
Antarctica for Abyssomyces hydrozoicus Kohlm., 1970 
Antarctica for Acarospora flavocordia Castello & Nimis, 1994 
Antarctica for Acremonium psychrophilum C. Möller & W. Gams, 1993 
Antarctica for Acrodontium antarcticum Cabello, 1989 
Antarctica for Alectoria antarctica C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker, 1938 
Antarctica for Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus Stchigel & Guarro, 2001 
Antarctica for Apiosordaria antarctica Stchigel & Guarro, 2003 
Antarctica for Aplanochytrium stocchinoi Andreoli & Moro, 2003 
Antarctica for Arthrobotrys ferox Onofri & S. Tosi, 1992 
Antarctica for Ascochyta antarctica Henn., 1906 
Antarctica for Austrolecia antarctica Hertel, 1984 
Antarctica for Bellemerea elegans Øvstedal, 2009 
Antarctica for Biatorella antarctica Js. Murray, 1963 
Antarctica for Brachysporisporites antarcticus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Brachysporisporites grandus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Brachysporisporites longovatus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Brachysporisporites ovoidus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Bryonora peltata Øvstedal, 2001 
Antarctica for Bryoscyphus aestivalis Gamundí & Spinedi, 1988 
Antarctica for Bryosphaeria megaspora Spooner, 1980 
Antarctica for Buellia antarctica A. Massal., 1861 
Antarctica for Buellia austropapillata Øvstedal, 2004 
Antarctica for Buellia filsonii C.W. Dodge, 1973 
Antarctica for Buellia subfrigida Mas. Inoue, 1993 
Antarctica for Caloplaca buelliae Olech & Søchting, 1993 
Antarctica for Caloplaca coeruleofrigida Søchting & Seppelt, 2003 
Antarctica for Caloplaca frigida Søchting, 2000 
Antarctica for Caloplaca hertelii Søchting, Øvstedal & Sancho, 2004 
Antarctica for Caloplaca insignis Søchting & Øvstedal, 2004 
Antarctica for Caloplaca iomma Olech & Søchting, 1993 
Antarctica for Caloplaca lewis-smithii Søchting & Øvstedal, 1998 
Antarctica for Caloplaca psoromatis Olech & Søchting, 1993 
Antarctica for Caloplaca sauronii Søchting & Øvstedal, 2004 
Antarctica for Caloplaca scolecomarginata Søchting & Olech, 2000 
Antarctica for Caloplaca siphonospora Olech & Søchting, 1993 
Antarctica for Calvitimela uniseptata G. Thor, 2011 
Antarctica for Candelariella antarctica Filson, 1975 
Antarctica for Candida psychrofermentans J. Nishikawa & Iizuka, 1992 
Antarctica for Catenularia antarctica Henn., 1906 
Antarctica for Cetraria antarctica Zahlbr., 1917 
Antarctica for Cetraria subscutata D.C. Linds., 1973 
Antarctica for Chalara antarctica Cabello, 1989 
Antarctica for Charcotiana antarctica Søchting, Garrido-Benavent, Pérez-Ortega, Seppelt & Castello, 2014 
Antarctica for Chaunopycnis ovalispora C. Möller & W. Gams, 1993 
Antarctica for Chrysosporium magnasporum Stchigel, Cano, Mac Cormack & Guarro, 2013 
Antarctica for Chrysosporium oceanitesii Stchigel, Cano, Archuby & Guarro, 2013 
Antarctica for Cistella polytrichi var. antarctica Gamundí & Spinedi, 1988 
Antarctica for Cladonia galindezii Øvstedal, 1988 
Antarctica for Cladosporium antarcticum K. Schub., Crous & U. Braun, 2007 
Antarctica for Colletotrichum antarcticum Henn., 1906 
Antarctica for Combresomyces caespitosus B.J. Slater, McLoughlin & J. Hilton, 2013 
Antarctica for Combresomyces rarus B.J. Slater, McLoughlin & J. Hilton, 2013 
Antarctica for Conidiobolus antarcticus S. Tosi, Caretta & Humber, 2004 
Antarctica for Crocynia antarctica Hue, 1915 
Antarctica for Cryomyces antarcticus Selbmann, de Hoog, Mazzaglia, Friedmann & Onofri, 2005 
Antarctica for Cryomyces minteri Selbmann, de Hoog, Mazzaglia, Friedmann & Onofri, 2005 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus adeliensis Scorzetti, I. Petrescu, Yarrow & Fell, 2000 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus albidosimilis Vishniac & Kurtzman, 1992 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus antarcticus Vishniac & Kurtzman, 1992 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus antarcticus var. circumpolaris Vishniac & Onofri, 2003 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus asgardensis Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus baldrensis Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus consortionis Vishniac, 1985 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus friedmannii Vishniac, 1985 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus hempflingii Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus lupi Baharaeen & Vishniac, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus nyarrowii Thomas-Hall & K. Watson, 2002 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus socialis Vishniac, 1985 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus statzelliae Thomas-Hall, Watson & Scorzetti, 2002 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus tyrolensis Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus victoriae M.J. Montes, Belloch, Galiana, M.D. García, C. Andrés, S. Ferrer, Torr.-Rodr. & J. Guinea, 1999 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus vishniacii var. asocialis Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus vishniacii var. vladimirii Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus vishniacii var. wolfii Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus watticus Guffogg, Thomas-Hall, P. Holloway & K. Watson, 2004 
Antarctica for Cryptococcus wrightensis Vishniac & Baharaeen, 1982 
Antarctica for Cunninghamella antarctica Caretta & Piont., 1977 
Antarctica for Cupulisporonites megaporus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Dermatocarpon antarcticum C.W. Dodge, 1968 
Antarctica for Devriesia antarctica Selbmann & de Hoog, 2014 
Antarctica for Dicellaesporites antarcticus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Dicellaesporites oblongatus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Diderma antarcticola E. Horak, 1966 
Antarctica for Didymosphaeria placodiorum Vain., 1903 
Antarctica for Dioszegia antarctica L.B. Connell, Redman, R.J. Rodr. & Á. Fonseca, 2010 
Antarctica for Dioszegia cryoxerica L.B. Connell, Redman, R.J. Rodr. & Á. Fonseca, 2010 
Antarctica for Diplonaevia parmeliae C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker, 1938 
Antarctica for Diporicellaesporites antarcticus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Diporicellaesporites stenosus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Dyadosporites obscurus Z.C. Song & Liu Cao, 1994 
Antarctica for Eklundia antarctica C.W. Dodge, 1968 
Antarctica for Elasticomyces elasticus Zucconi & Selbmann, 2008 
Antarctica for Endochaetophora antarctica J.F. White & T.N. Taylor, 1988 
Antarctica for Endococcus matzeri D. Hawksw. & Iturr., 2006 
Antarctica for Epibryon chorisodontii Spooner, 1980 
Antarctica for Friedmanniomyces endolithicus Onofri, 1999 
Antarctica for Friedmanniomyces simplex Selbmann, de Hoog, Mazzaglia, Friedmann & Onofri, 2005 
Dutch egelboterbloem for Ranunculus flammula L.
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