context source (PeRMS)Ramírez, R.; Paredes, C.; Arenas, J. (2003). Moluscos del Perú. <em>Revista de Biologia Tropical.</em> 51(supplement 3): 225-284.[details] Available for editors [request]
basis of recordStarobogatov Y. I. 1974. — Xenoconchias and their bearing on the phylogeny and systematics of some molluscan classes. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1974 (1): 3-18 (in Russian) [Translated in Paleontological Journal of the American Geological Institute 8 (1): 1-13]. [details] Available for editors [request]
additional sourceAn outline for the classification of Phylum Mollusca in taxonomic databases
[report elaborated by WoRMS editors for internal use, june 2010][details]