original description
Linnaeus, C. (1753). Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Vol 1. Salvius, Stockholm., available online at
page(s): 1163. Volume 2. [details]
original description
(of Ulva nematoidea Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1828) Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. (1828). Botanique, Cryptogamie. <em>In: Voyage autour du monde, exécuté par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de Sa Majesté, la Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825.</em> (Duperrey, L.I. Eds), pp. 97-200. Paris: Bertrand. [details] 
basis of record
Guiry, M.D. (2001). Macroalgae of Rhodophycota, Phaeophycota, Chlorophycota, and two genera of Xanthophycota, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 20-38 (look up in IMIS) [details]
context source (Introduced species)
Katsanevakis, S.; Bogucarskis, K.; Gatto, F.; Vandekerkhove, J.; Deriu, I.; Cardoso A.S. (2012). Building the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN): a novel approach for the exploration of distributed alien species data. <em>BioInvasions Records.</em> 1: 235-245., available online at [details] Available for editors
context source (HKRMS)
City University of Hong Kong. (2000). Study of the suitablility of Ping Chau to be established as marine park or marine reserve. Final report submitted to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, The Hong Kong SAR Government. [details]
context source (Bermuda)
Schneider, C. W. (2003). An annotated checklist and bibliography of the marine macroalgae of the Bermuda Islands. Nova Hedwigia, 76(3-4): 275-361 [details]
context source (PeRMS)
Carbajal, P.; Arakaki, N.; Gil-Kodaka, P.; Gamarra, A.; Ramírez, M. E. (2018). II- Chlorophyta & Phaeophyceae. En Macroalgas de la Costa Central del Perú. <em>Lima, Perú: UNALM.</em> 126 p. [details]
additional source
Linkletter, L. E. (1977). A checklist of marine fauna and flora of the Bay of Fundy. <em>Huntsman Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, N.B.</em> 68: p. [details]
additional source
Sears, J.R. (ed.). 1998. NEAS keys to the benthic marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America from Long Island Sound to the Strait of Belle Isle. Northeast Algal Society. 163 p. [details]
additional source
South, G. R.;Tittley, I. (1986). A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the North Atlantic Ocean. <em>untsman Marine Laboratory. St. Andrews, New Brunswick.</em> 1-76. [details]
additional source
Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at [details]
additional source
Check list of Antarctic and Subantarctic Seaweeds by Wiencke C & Clayton MN, 2002. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Fredericq, S., T. O. Cho, S. A. Earle, C. F. Gurgel, D. M. Krayesky, L. E. Mateo-Cid, A. C. Mendoza-González, J. N. Norris, and A. M. Suárez. 2009. Seaweeds of the Gulf of Mexico, Pp. 187–259 in Felder, D.L. and D.K. Camp (eds.), Gulf of Mexico–Origins, Waters, and Biota. I. Biodiversity, pp. 187-259. Texas A&M Univ. Press. [details]
additional source
Liu, J.Y. [Ruiyu] (ed.). (2008). Checklist of marine biota of China seas. <em>China Science Press.</em> 1267 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors
additional source
Silva, P. C.; Basson, P. W.; Moe, R. L. (1996). Catalogue of the benthic marine algae of the Indian Ocean. <em>University of California Publications in Botany.</em> 79: 1-1259., available online at [details]
additional source
Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2024). AlgaeBase. <em>World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.</em> searched on YYYY-MM-DD., available online at [details]
From editor or global species database
LSID [details]From regional or thematic species database
Introduced species vector dispersal in Turkish part of the Aegean Sea (Marine Region) : Fisheries: accidental with deliberate translocations of fish or shellfish [details]
Introduced species vector dispersal in Turkish part of the Aegean Sea (Marine Region) : Shipping [details]Unreviewed
Diet photosynthetic [details]
Distribution Long Island Sound to Strait of Belle Isle [details]
Habitat open coast attached to any hard substrata or epiphytic in tide pools, low littoral to sublittoral to 24 m; also may form extensive free floating mats on muddy or silted bottoms in protected bays and shallow estuaries [details]
Morphology Green colour from Chlorophyll a and b. [details]
Reproduction general for group: asexual reproduction may be by fission (splitting), fragmentation or by zoospores (motile spores). Sexual reproduction may be isogamous (gametes both motile and same size); anisogamous (both motile and different sizes-female bigger) or oogamous (female non-motile and egglike; male motile) [details]
Marine Life Information Network - UK
Published in AlgaeBase
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva fasciata Delile, 1813)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva tenera Kornmann & Sahling, 1994)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Monostroma lactuca (Linnaeus) J.Agardh, 1883)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva nematoidea Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1828)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Phycoseris lobata Kützing, 1847)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva lactucaefolia S.F.Gray, 1821)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva fasciata f. costata M.Howe, 1914)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva lactuca f. fasciata (Delile) Hering, 1846)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva fasciata f. lobata Setchell, 1901)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Phycoseris fasciata (Delile) Montagne, 1856)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva lobata (Kützing) Harvey, 1855)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva crassa Kjellman, 1877)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Ulva costata (M.Howe) Hollenberg, 1971)
Published in AlgaeBase
(from synonym Phyllona lactuca (Linnaeus) F.H.Wiggers, 1780)
To Barcode of Life (15 barcodes) (from synonym Ulva fasciata Delile, 1813)
To Barcode of Life (2 barcodes) (from synonym Ulva lobata (Kützing) Harvey, 1855)
To Barcode of Life (51 barcodes)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (1 publication) (from synonym Phyllona lactuca (Linnaeus) F.H.Wiggers, 1780)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (111 publications) (from synonym Ulva fasciata Delile, 1813)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (14 publications) (from synonym Ulva crassa Kjellman, 1877)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (18 publications) (from synonym Phycoseris fasciata (Delile) Montagne, 1856)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (19 publications) (from synonym Ulva nematoidea Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1828)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (20 publications) (from synonym Phycoseris lobata Kützing, 1847)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (30 publications) (from synonym Ulva lobata (Kützing) Harvey, 1855)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (4 publications) (from synonym Ulva costata (M.Howe) Hollenberg, 1971)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (486 publications)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (5 publications) (from synonym Monostroma lactuca (Linnaeus) J.Agardh, 1883)
To Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL)
To Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL) (from synonym Ulva fasciata Delile, 1813)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Ulva fasciata) (from synonym Ulva fasciata Delile, 1813)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Ulva lactuca)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Ulva lobata) (from synonym Ulva lobata (Kützing) Harvey, 1855)
To GenBank (35 nucleotides; 26 proteins) (from synonym Ulva lobata (Kützing) Harvey, 1855)
To GenBank (35 nucleotides; 26 proteins) (from synonym Phycoseris lobata Kützing, 1847)
To GenBank (576 nucleotides; 630 proteins) (from synonym Ulva nematoidea Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1828)
To GenBank (576 nucleotides; 630 proteins)
To Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI)
To Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) (from synonym Ulva lobata (Kützing) Harvey, 1855)
To PESI (from synonym Ulva fasciata Delile, 1813)
To PESI (from synonym Ulva tenera Kornmann & Sahling, 1994)