original description
(of Sagmatias amblodon Cope, 1866) Cope, E. D. (1866). Third contribution to the history of the Balaenidae and Delphinidae. <em>Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.</em> 1866:293–300. [details]
original description
(of Delphinus obscurus Gray, 1828) Gray, J. E. (1828-1830). <i>Spicilegia zoologica; or, original figures and short systematic descriptions of new and unfigured animals</i>. Treüttel, Würtz & Co. & Wood. Parts I & II: part I, 1–8, pls. 1–6 (1 July 1828); part II, 9–12, pls. 7–11 (August 1830). , available online at https://archive.org/details/b22007556/page/n3/mode/2up
page(s): 2, pl.2, fig.2 [details] 
original description
(of Delphinus chilensis Philippi, 1895) Philippi, R. A. (1895). Los delfines Chilenos [Chilean dolphins]. <em>Anales de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago.</em> 90:281–285. [details]
original description
(of Delphinus (Grampus) obscurus Gray, 1828) Gray, J. E. (1828-1830). <i>Spicilegia zoologica; or, original figures and short systematic descriptions of new and unfigured animals</i>. Treüttel, Würtz & Co. & Wood. Parts I & II: part I, 1–8, pls. 1–6 (1 July 1828); part II, 9–12, pls. 7–11 (August 1830). , available online at https://archive.org/details/b22007556/page/n3/mode/2up [details] 
original description
(of Phocaena australis Peale, 1849) Peale, T. R. (1849). United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Volume VIII. Mammalia and ornithology. C. Sherman, Philadelphia, PA. [details]
original description
(of Tursio chiloensis Philippi, 1900) Philippi, R. A. (1900). Contribución a la osteología del Grypotherium domesticum Roth I un nuevo delfín [Contribution to the osteology of the Grypotherium domesticum Roth I a new dolphin]. Imprenta Cervantes, Santiago, Chile. [details]
taxonomy source
Vollmer, N. L.; Ashe, E.; Brownell, R. L.; Cipriano, F.; Mead, J. G.; Reeves, R. R.; Soldevilla, M. S.; Williams, R. (2019). Taxonomic revision of the dolphin genus Lagenorhynchus. <em>Marine Mammal Science.</em> 35(3): 957-1057., available online at https://doi.org/10.1111/mms.12573 [details] Available for editors
ecology source
Looby, A.; Erbe, C.; Bravo, S.; Cox, K.; Davies, H. L.; Di Iorio, L.; Jézéquel, Y.; Juanes, F.; Martin, C. W.; Mooney, T. A.; Radford, C.; Reynolds, L. K.; Rice, A. N.; Riera, A.; Rountree, R.; Spriel, B.; Stanley, J.; Vela, S.; Parsons, M. J. G. (2023). Global inventory of species categorized by known underwater sonifery. <em>Scientific Data.</em> 10(1). (look up in IMIS), available online at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02745-4 [details] 
From editor or global species database
Taxonomic remark Sagmatias australis: Moreno, 2008:23, Table 2. Name combination. This name appears in a Delphinidae classification
modified from LeDuc (2002). Moreno’s use of this name is a modification of how it initially appeared in LeDuc et al. (1999). [details]
Language | Name | |
Dutch |
zandloperdolfijn [from synonym] |
[details] |
English |
springer [from synonym]southern white-sided dolphin [from synonym]sea skunk [from synonym]Peale's porpoise [from synonym]Peale's dolphin [from synonym]hourglass dolphin [from synonym]black-chinned dolphin [from synonym] |
[details] |
French |
dauphin de Peale [from synonym]dauphin cruciger [from synonym]dauphin à museau court [from synonym]crucigere [from synonym] |
[details] |
Spanish |
tunina [from synonym]llampa [from synonym]delfín cruzado [from synonym]delfín austral [from synonym]cahuel [from synonym] |
[details] |
To Barcode of Life (from synonym Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale, 1849))
To Barcode of Life (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (10 publications) (from synonym Delphinus (Grampus) obscurus Gray, 1828)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (16 publications) (from synonym Electra clancula Gray, 1868)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (16 publications) (from synonym Sagmatias amblodon Cope, 1866)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (17 publications) (from synonym Phocaena australis Peale, 1849)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (2 publications) (from synonym Phocaena crucigera Philippi, 1893)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (2 publications) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus latifrons True, 1889)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (28 publications) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale, 1849))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (38 publications) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (4 publications) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus wilsoni Lille, 1915)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (40 publications) (from synonym Delphinus cruciger d'Orbigny & Gervais, 1847)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (41 publications) (from synonym Delphinus obscurus Gray, 1828)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (5 publications) (from synonym Tursio chiloensis Philippi, 1900)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (5 publications) (from synonym Delphinus chilensis Philippi, 1895)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Lagenorhynchus australis) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale, 1849))
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Lagenorhynchus cruciger) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
To GenBank (14 nucleotides; 19 proteins) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
To GenBank (387 nucleotides; 162 proteins) (from synonym Delphinus obscurus Gray, 1828)
To GenBank (54 nucleotides; 31 proteins) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale, 1849))
To GenBank (54 nucleotides; 31 proteins) (from synonym Phocoena australis Peale, 1849)
To Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale, 1849))
To Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
To IUCN Red List (Least Concern) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale, 1849))
To IUCN Red List (Least Concern) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
To NMNH Extant Collection (MMP DSC_0522 Lagenorhynchus australis) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale, 1849))
To NMNH Extant Collection (MMP STR 13909 Lagenorhynchus cruciger skull) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
To NMNH Extant Collection (MMP STR 13935 Lagenorhyncchus cruciger skull) (from synonym Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824))
From editor or global species database