Genus Muelleria Jaeger, 1833 accepted as Actinopyga Bronn, 1860(Junior homonym of Mulleria Ferussac, 1825 (Mollusca) as well as Mulleria Fleming, 1828 (Synaptidae; = Oestergrenia Heding, 1931))
Genus Fistularia Forsskål, 1775(uncertain > nomen dubium, Junior homonym and no type species designated)
marine, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
Burmeister, Hermann. (1837). <em>Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. Zweite Abtheilung: Zoologie.</em>. <em>[book].</em> xii + pp. 858 [Zoology 369-858] T.C.F. Enslin, Berlin., available online at[details]
WoRMS (2025). Holothuriidae Burmeister, 1837. Accessed at: on 2025-02-14
original descriptionBurmeister, Hermann. (1837). <em>Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. Zweite Abtheilung: Zoologie.</em>. <em>[book].</em> xii + pp. 858 [Zoology 369-858] T.C.F. Enslin, Berlin., available online at[details]
original description(ofLabidodematidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofBrandtothuriidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofFossothuriidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofMertensiothuriidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofArgiodidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofLudwigothuriidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofSelenkothuriidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofActinopygidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofBohadschiidae Gill, 1907)Gill, T. (1907). Holothurian Names. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2 26: (185-186).[details]
original description(ofBohadschiidae Poche, 1907)Poche, 1907. Über den richtigen Gebrauch der Gattungsnamen Holothuria und Actinia, nebst einigen andern, grössenteils dadurch bedingten oder damit in Zusammenhang stehenden Änderungen in der Nomenclatur der Coelenteraten, Echinodemen und Tunicaten. Zoologischer Anzeiger 32: 126-128.[details]
original description(ofLabidodematidae James, 1981)James, D.B., 1981. Studies on Indian echinoderms, 7. On a new family Labidodematidae (Holothurioidea : Aspidochirotida) with a detailed description of Labidodemas rugosum (Ludwig) from the Andamans. J. mar. biol. Ass. India, 23(1&2): 82-85.[details]
original description(ofHolothuriidae Ludwig, 1894)Ludwig, H. (1894). The Holothurioidea. In: Reports on an exploration off the west coasts of Mexico, Central and South America, and off the Galapagos Islands, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," during 1891, Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., commanding. XII. <em>Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College.</em> 17(3): 183 pp., 19 pls., available online at[details]
original description(ofLessonothuriidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
original description(ofVaneyothuriidae Domantay, 1969)Domantay, J.S. (1969). Summary of a monographic study and checklist of Philippine littoral Echinodermata. <em>Acta Manilana.</em> 5A(3): 46-94.[details]
context source (PeRMS)Solís-Marín, F. A.; Alvarado, J. J.; Abreu-Pérez, M.; Aguilera, O.; Alió, J.; Bacallado-Aránega, J. J.; Barraza, E.; Benavides-Serrato, M.; Benítez-Villalobos, F.; Betancourt-Fernández, L.; Borges, M.; Brandt, M.; Brogger, M. I.; Borrero-Pérez, G. H.; Buitrón-Sánchez, E.; Campos, L. S.; Cantera, J.; Clemente, S.; Cohen-Renjifo, M.; Coppard, S.; Costa-Lotufo, L. V.; del Valle-García, R.; Díaz, Y.; Díaz de Vivar, M. E.; Díaz-Martínez, J. P.; Durán-González, A.; Epherra, L.; Escolar, M.; Francisco, V.; Freire, C. A.; García-Arrarás, E.; Gil, D. G.; Guarderas, P.; Hadel, V. F.; Hearn, A.; Hernández, J. C.; Hernández-Delgado, E. A.; Herrera-Moreno, A.; Herrero-Pérezrul, M. D.; Hooker, Y.; Honey-Escandón, M. B. I.; Lodeiros, C.; Luzuriaga, M.; Manso, C. L. C.; Martín, A.; Martinez, M. I.; Martínez, S.; Moro-Abad; Mutschke, E.; Navarro, J. C.; Neira, R.; Noriega, N.; Palleiro-Nayar, J. S.; Pérez, A. F.; Pérez-Ruzafa, A.; Prieto-Rios, E.; Reyes, J.; Rodríguez, R.; Rubilar, T.; Sancho-Mejía, T.; Sangil, C.; Silva, J. R. M. C.; Sonnenholzner, J. I.; Ventura, C. R.; Tablado, A.; Tavares, Y.; Tiago, C. G.; Tuya, F.;Williams, S. M. (2013). Appendix. <em>In: J. J. Alvarado & F. A. Solís-Marín (eds), Echinoderm Research and Diversity in Latin America.</em> pp. 471-510. Springer; Berlin & Heidelberg. page(s): 543-654.[details]
identification resourceRowe, F. W. E. (1969). A review of the family Holothuriidae (Holothurioidea: Aspidochirotida). <em>Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) (Zool.).</em> 18(4): 119-170., available online at[details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality