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' returned 807 matching records, showing records 1-100.
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Acanthistius brasilianus
(Cuvier, 1828)
Acanthodraco dewitti
Skóra, 1995
Acanthogobius flavimanus
(Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)
Acentrogobius pflaumii
(Bleeker, 1853)
Acentronura australe
Waite & Hale, 1921
accepted as
Idiotropiscis australis
(Waite & Hale, 1921)
Acentronura larsonae
Dawson, 1984
accepted as
Idiotropiscis larsonae
(Dawson, 1984)
Acentronura tentaculata
Günther, 1870
Achiropsetta slavae
Andriashev, 1960
accepted as
Mancopsetta maculata
(Günther, 1880)
Achiropsetta tricholepis
Norman, 1930
Aequidens pulchrus
(Gill, 1858)
accepted as
Andinoacara pulcher
(Gill, 1858)
Aequidens rivulatus
(Günther, 1860)
accepted as
Andinoacara rivulatus
(Günther, 1860)
Aethotaxis mitopteryx
DeWitt, 1962
Aethotaxis mitopteryx mitopteryx
DeWitt, 1962
accepted as
Aethotaxis mitopteryx
DeWitt, 1962
Aethotaxis mitopteryx pawsoni
Miller, 1993
accepted as
Aethotaxis mitopteryx
DeWitt, 1962
Akarotaxis nudiceps
(Waite, 1916)
Alepisaurus brevirostris
Gibbs, 1960
Alepocephalus antipodianus
(Parrott, 1948)
Allocyttus niger
James, Inada & Nakamura, 1988
Allocyttus verrucosus
(Gilchrist, 1906)
Amatitlania nigrofasciata
(Günther, 1867)
Ambassis agassizii
Steindachner, 1867
Ambassis agrammus
Günther, 1867
Ambassis interrupta
Bleeker, 1853
Ambassis interruptus
Bleeker, 1853
accepted as
Ambassis interrupta
Bleeker, 1853
Ambassis macleayi
(Castelnau, 1878)
Ambassis miops
Günther, 1872
Ambassis muelleri
Klunzinger, 1880
accepted as
Ambassis agassizii
Steindachner, 1867
Ambophthalmos magnicirrus
(Nelson, 1977)
Amniataba percoides
(Günther, 1864)
Amphilophus citrinellus
(Günther, 1864)
Andinoacara pulcher
(Gill, 1858)
Andinoacara rivulatus
(Günther, 1860)
Anguilla obscura
Günther, 1872
Anguilla reinhardtii
Steindachner, 1867
Anodontiglanis dahli
Rendahl, 1922
Anotopterus pharao
Zugmayer, 1911
Anotopterus vorax
(Regan, 1913)
Antimora rostrata
(Günther, 1878)
Arctozenus risso
(Bonaparte, 1840)
Argyropelecus gigas
Norman, 1930
Argyropelecus hemigymnus
Cocco, 1829
Arius berneyi
(Whitley, 1941)
accepted as
Neoarius berneyi
(Whitley, 1941)
Arius graeffei
Kner & Steindachner, 1867
accepted as
Neoarius graeffei
(Kner & Steindachner, 1867)
Arius leptaspis
(Bleeker, 1862)
accepted as
Neoarius leptaspis
(Bleeker, 1862)
Arius midgleyi
Kailola & Pierce, 1988
accepted as
Neoarius midgleyi
(Kailola & Pierce, 1988)
Arrhamphus sclerolepis
Günther, 1866
Arrhamphus sclerolepis sclerolepis
Günther, 1866
accepted as
Arrhamphus sclerolepis
Günther, 1866
Artedidraco loennbergi
Roule, 1913
accepted as
Artedidraco lonnbergi
Roule, 1913
Artedidraco lonnbergi
Roule, 1913
Artedidraco mirus
Lönnberg, 1905
Artedidraco orianae
Regan, 1914
Artedidraco shackletoni
Waite, 1911
Artedidraco skottsbergi
Lönnberg, 1905
accepted as
Neodraco skottsbergi
(Lönnberg, 1905)
Astatotilapia burtoni
(Günther, 1894)
Astronesthes boulengeri
Gilchrist, 1902
Astronesthes psychrolutes
(Gibbs & Weitzman, 1965)
Astronotus ocellatus
(Agassiz, 1831)
Avocettina infans
(Günther, 1878)
Awaous crassilabrus
(Günther, 1861)
accepted as
Awaous guamensis
(Valenciennes, 1837)
Awaous guamensis
(Valenciennes, 1837)
Bathydraco antarcticus
Günther, 1878
Bathydraco joannae
DeWitt, 1985
Bathydraco macrolepis
Boulenger, 1907
Bathydraco marri
Norman, 1938
Bathydraco scotiae
Dollo, 1906
Bathylagoides argyrogaster
(Norman, 1930)
Bathylagus antarcticus
Günther, 1878
Bathylagus argyrogaster
Norman, 1930
accepted as
Bathylagoides argyrogaster
(Norman, 1930)
Bathylagus benedicti
Goode & Bean, 1896
accepted as
Bathylagus euryops
Goode & Bean, 1896
Bathylagus bericoides
(Borodin, 1929)
accepted as
Melanolagus bericoides
(Borodin, 1929)
Bathylagus euryops
Goode & Bean, 1896
Bathylagus glacialis
Regan, 1913
accepted as
Bathylagus antarcticus
Günther, 1878
Bathylagus gracilis
Lönnberg, 1905
Bathylagus microcephalus
Norman, 1930
accepted as
Melanolagus bericoides
(Borodin, 1929)
Bathylagus ochotensis
Schmidt, 1938
accepted as
Lipolagus ochotensis
(Schmidt, 1938)
Bathylagus pacificus
Gilbert, 1890
Bathylagus tenuis
Kobyliansky, 1986
Bathytroctes homopterus
Vaillant, 1888
accepted as
Talismania homoptera
(Vaillant, 1888)
Bathytroctes rostratus
Günther, 1878
accepted as
Mentodus rostratus
(Günther, 1878)
Benthalbella elongata
(Norman, 1937)
Benthalbella macropinna
Bussing & Bussing, 1966
accepted as
Lagiacrusichthys macropinna
(Bussing & Bussing, 1966)
Bhanotia fasciolata
(Duméril, 1870)
Bonapartia pedaliota
Goode & Bean, 1896
accepted as
Zaphotias pedaliotus
(Goode & Bean, 1896)
Borostomias antarcticus
(Lönnberg, 1905)
Bothrocara molle
Bean, 1890
Bovichtus chilensis
Regan, 1913
Brachionichthys hirsutus
(Lacepède, 1804)
Brachionichthys politus
(Richardson, 1844)
accepted as
Sympterichthys politus
(Richardson, 1844)
Brachirus salinarum
Ogilby, 1910
accepted as
Synaptura salinarum
(Ogilby, 1910)
Brachirus selheimi
(MacLeay, 1882)
Brama brama
(Bonnaterre, 1788)
Bulbonaricus brauni
(Dawson & Allen, 1978)
Bulbonaricus davaoensis
(Herald, 1953)
Bunaka gyrinoides
(Bleeker, 1853)
Butis butis
(Hamilton, 1822)
Caelorinchus fasciatus
(Günther, 1878)
accepted as
Coelorinchus fasciatus
(Günther, 1878)
Caelorinchus kaiyomaru
Arai & Iwamoto, 1979
accepted as
Coelorinchus kaiyomaru
Arai & Iwamoto, 1979
Caelorinchus kermadecus
Jordan & Gilbert, 1904
accepted as
Coelorinchus kermadecus
Jordan & Gilbert, 1904
Caelorinchus marinii
Hubbs, 1934
accepted as
Coelorinchus marinii
Hubbs, 1934
Caelorinchus matamua
(McCann & McKnight, 1980)
accepted as
Coelorinchus matamua
(McCann & McKnight, 1980)
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