From editor or global species database
Type locality Uncertain type locality, but possibly Iceland. Amphitrite cirrata is based on earlier names, rather than being a new taxon founded by Müller in his work on Danish & Norwegian fauna. There is no location given in Müller (1776), but in Müller (1771: 188) he appears to mention Iceland for the name Spio cirrata König, and the Hartman catalogue (1959: 496) gives Iceland as the locality for Amphitrite cirrata.
Jirkov (2020 : 327) states that "However, later Read, Fauchald (2020i) changed the type locality to “United Kingdom Exclusive Economic Zone”, which cannot be accepted." This was a misunderstanding by Jirkov of the WoRMS presentation. The 'type localities' displayed were NOT of Amphitrite cirrata itself, rather they were from linked synonymous name records (including a misspelling and an unnecessary new name) which should not have types. The WoRMS records are now updated to display correctly. [details]